Обзор умных часов с функцией nfc


Wear OS still can’t thrive

As far as specs go, the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 is pretty much the same as any other current Wear OS watch. There’s a Snapdragon Wear 2100 chipset and 512mb of RAM, and that’s still a package that struggles to keep up.

For notifications and watchfaces, this package is fine, and that’s sort of the point of Wear OS nowadays. Wear OS in its current is better suited to adding smart features to a fashionable watch, not so much a computer mounted to your wrist. That’ll remain the case until Google finally makes a push to include a chipset that isn’t 4 years old on this platform.

Outside of the usual though, Diesel’s watch seems to suffer just a bit extra in one particular case. When waking up from sleep mode, this watch takes several seconds at times to fully load up. Presumably, this is due to some of the company’s own additions.

Diesel adds some snark to Wear OS

On top of Wear OS, Diesel has included its own watchfaces. There are several different options, some of which interact to your touch. They all look distinctly Diesel, and I very much enjoyed them.

Using a second app, Diesel also applies some special effects to its watchfaces. There are Weather, Activity and Do Not Disturb modes. The effects are most obvious with the Weather Mode, which puts different animations over the watchface depending on the weather in your area. I did notice that when this was turned on, it caused the watchface to load up quite a bit quicker.

My favorite addition, however, is the Diesel T-ON-I app. The notification app that give you notifications “the Diesel way” has a unique UI and some fun additions throughout. It pulls in your weather, agenda, and activity data to send snarky messages throughout the day.

Often, these relate to the weather, but sometimes you’ll get a message shaming you for a lack of activity or just the watch makes jokes, usually at your expense. Personally, I find it absolutely hysterical and love seeing them pop up a few times each day. A few messages it has sent me are listed below.

I’ve got to give Diesel credit where it’s due. The T-ON-I app made using this watch a pleasure, and it makes me smile often enough to where I’ll keep using this watch well after this review goes up.

Внешний вид Diesel On Full Guard

Почти все современные смарт-часы от LG Watch Sport до Tag Heuer Connected Modular 45 — это массивные гаджеты с толстыми рамками корпуса. Diesel On Full Guard нельзя назвать маленьким устройством, но на запястье смарт-часы смотрятся элегантно и уместно.

Благодаря наклонным краям, дисплей визуально сливается с корпусом. Помимо двух боковых кнопок, добавлены два декоративных винтика. Безель, находится между двумя защитными элементами, а на задней панели выбита надпись Diesel.

Пульсометр и остальные спортивные функции тут отсутствуют. Пока доступны модели только с кожаными ремешками, позже обещают добавить и металлические. На ремешке видны две чёрные шляпки винтиков, этом On Full Guard придерживаются дизайна обычных часов от Diesel. Ремешки легко заменяются, и это хорошо, ведь кожа быстро протирается от контактов с пряжками из нержавеющей стали.

Благодаря лёгкости и удобству, смарт-часы Diesel On Full Guard можно без проблем носить целый день.

Diesel On Full Guard 2.5: брутальные смарт-часы

Не хотите отвыкать от круглых наручных часов? Пожалуйста: Diesel внешне ничем не отличается от классического хронографа. Даже ремешок при желании можно заменить на любой стандартный, хочешь кожаный или стальной.

Рамки вокруг экрана достаточно толстые, но это не мешает и не портит внешний вид гаджета, габариты которого составляют 47 x 56 x 13 мм. На мужском запястье эти часы кажутся массивнее и тяжелее, чем на самом деле, именно благодаря своему дизайну.

Элементы управления представлены тремя кнопками на правой грани корпуса. Причём средний безель прикрыт защитными «ушками».

Сам корпус выполнен из стали, а нижняя часть – пластиковая. В центре встроен датчик для измерения пульса.

Разрешение AMOLED-экрана высокое, 400 х 400 точек, 324 ppi. На солнце информация легко считывается, а сенсорное управление работает без подтормаживания. Экран и корпус непросто поцарапать, есть защита от ударов и от попадания влаги по стандарту WR30. Плавать в них не рекомендуется, но от брызг и дождя гаджет не пострадает.

Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 работают под управлением ОС Android Wear и совместимы как с iPhone, так и с любым Android-смартфоном, на котором установлена любая версия «зелёного робота» выше 4.3.

Для подключения, настройки и загрузки новых циферблатов нужно установить на смартфон приложение Wear OS, которое есть как в App Store, так и в Google Play.

В Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 есть все, что хочется иметь в умных часах 21 века: акселерометр, гироскоп, датчик освещенности и встроенный пульсометр. Этот гаджет на вашем запястье может мониторить режимы сна, трату калорий и контролировать физическую активность.

В часы встроен чип NFC, так что можно расплачиваться с их помощью бесконтактным способом, как большинство из нас уже давно привыкли.

Остальные характеристики весьма добротные: процессор Qualcomm Snapdragon 2100, 4 Гб встроенной памяти и 512 мб оперативной памяти для плавной работы различных приложений.

При умеренном использовании, если не активировать экран каждую минуту, часы проработают на одном заряде до 2-х суток. По личным наблюдениям, за сутки расходуется около 65-70% ресурса аккумулятора, так что лучше ставить их на зарядку каждый вечер.

Смарт-часы Fossil Sport. Есть розовые 🙂

Эти часы выглядят максимально нейтрально, и через несколько дней ты даже перестаёшь воспринимать их как некий высокотехнологичный гаджет, в котором и стрелок даже нет. Выглядят и ощущаются, как часы, но исправно жужжат, сообщают о сообщениях и звонках. Отличный микс.

Fossil Sport выпускаются в двух размерах, 43 мм и 41 мм

К нам на тест приехали более крупные, и если не обращать внимание на розовый цвет стального корпуса, смотрятся они на мужской руке достаточно гармонично. На женской же – вообще шик

Внутри тот же набор датчиков, что и в смарт-часах от Diesel: акселерометр, гироскоп, датчик освещенности и встроенный пульсометр. Fossil Sport легче брутальных Diesel, потому что чуть меньше по габаритам.

Элементы управления представлены тремя кнопками на правой грани корпуса, плюс сенсорное управление. Операционка – всё таже Android Wear.

Несмотря на то, что эти часы кажутся попроще, чем Diesel On Full Guard 2.5, внутри стоит процессор поновее, Snapdragon 3100. Сенсорное управление работает без нареканий, кнопки нажимаются с ощутимым кликом. Средней кнопкой можно также прокручивать меню на экране часов.

В мобильном приложении для Fossil Sport, которое нужно скачать из App Store или из Google Play, есть достаточно большой выбор циферблатов, которые подойдут как для повседневного использования, так и для спортивных тренировок. На экране могут отображаться показатели пульса, количество шагов и сожженных калорий.

Чип NFC также присутствует, можно тратить деньги не доставая кошелёк.

Хотя в этих часах стоит более новый процессор, чем в часах Diesel, технологически Snapdragon 2100 и 3100 практически одинаковые, делаются по одной и той же 28-нанометровой технологии.

В описании модели 3100 указано, что этот процессор потребляет меньше энергии, что увеличивает время автономной работы гаджета. На практике Fossil Sport уверенно держатся около 25 часов на одном заряде аккумулятора.

В целом, это практически идеальные смарт-часы на Android для прекрасной половины человечества. И необязательно розовые: есть и более классические расцветки.

Design – The Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 embodies the brand’s bold image

What really sets this watch apart from the crowd has to be its design. Whereas some smartwatches look like mini computers on your wrist, the On Full Guard 2.5 looks very much like a traditional timepiece.

The metal body is unabashedly chunky, with three buttons (one of which is a rotating crown) sitting to the side of the sharp 1.4-inch OLED display.

I’m not one for big watches and, as soon as I put on this one, it felt out of place on my relatively dainty wrists. However, if you’re used to wearing sizeable timepieces, such as Diesel’s extensive portfolio of non-smart watches (and like the Diesel ‘look’) then it’ll no doubt feel right at home.

The particular watch I reviewed was sporting the black silicone finish, which comes accented by knurled metalwork running the edge of the body and around the buttons that sported an anodised red treatment – but the On Full Guard 2.5 is available in four distinct finishes that are collectively a blend of black and silver, brushed and polished metalwork, brown leather and blue accenting.

All of the finishes make a similarly bold statement but depending on your tastes, you do have the option of more conservative styling if preferred. What’s more, their design grants you the ability to swap out the included straps with any equivalent 24mm band, made that much easier by the inclusion of quick-release pins.

Функции Diesel On Full Guard и цена

Diesel сделала ставку на дизайн с On Full Guard, а не на возможности. Конечно, внешний вид важен для любых часов, но вы не сможете измерять пульс во время пробежки, использовать GPS без телефона или совершать платежи через NFC.

Протестированный мной вариант с коричневым кожаным ремешком стоит 325 $ (19 000 р.). Другие версии, в том числе с металлическим ремешком, выйдут позже в этом году.

Diesel On Full Guard — достойные современные смарт-часы, которые не пытаются угодить поклонникам высоких технологий. У них нет такого набора функций, как у Huawei Watch 2, Apple Watch 2 или Samsung Gear S3, зато есть тонкий и удобный корпус, красочный дисплей и настраиваемые циферблаты.

Эти умные часы не предназначены для долгой работы — программное обеспечение и батарея устареют за несколько лет. Обновления ПО поначалу появляется регулярно, но в конце концов гаджет скоро будут работать медленнее и не сможет запускать новые приложения.

Возможные альтернативы

Huawei Watch 2 за 350 $ (20 200 р.) отличаются лучшими спецификациями, монитором сердечного ритма и наличием фитнес-функций, однако, выглядят они очень вызывающе.

Samsung Gear S3 — большие часы с широким выбором ремешков на любой вкус. Они работают на программном обеспечении Samsung Tizen — достойная альтернатива Android Wear, не хватает только большого числа поддерживаемых приложений.

Владельцам iPhone стоит присмотреться к Apple Watch Series 2 — полная интеграция с iOS, множество функций и приложений, а также бесконечное разнообразие ремешков.


As with the first version, the 2.5 operates on Wear OS. This means you get notifications, bespoke watch faces (including a funky neon), Google Assistant and third-party apps. 

If you’ve been a Wear OS user before then you’ll get everything you’re used to. Google has made improvements to the interface. Google Fit had a software revamp. You swipe for notifications. It’s easy to turn Do Not Disturb on or change the brightness of the screen.

Wear OS is a fair contender but it doesn’t hold a torch to alternatives like Apple, Samsung or even Fitbit. The core features work consistently, but it’s just not as evolved as the others.

Diesel made this feel like more than just a host for Google software. They have given the user a load of individual watch faces. Some are very on-brand for Diesel.

There’s an additional app called Dial Effects. This lets you see secondary information like the weather or your activity.

There’s the stylish T-On-i, which gives you an overview of your day which includes the weather and your step count. It’s more novel than the choices that come with the watch, but it’s another way to make it uniquely yours.

There are no major complaints about the software. The watch is run on a Snapdragon 2100 Qualcomm processor. There is a newer version of this, the 3100, but Diesel didn’t put it in. Reasons unknown. Perhaps the hardware isn’t able to handle it. This can give a laggy performance at times. It’s possible there could be an update in the future which would fix any frustrations.

Diesel On Full Guard: Battery life and connectivity

The biggest concern on the Full Guard is battery life. Diesel is promising a full day of use on a 370mAh battery, fairly small compared to the 410mAh in something like the Tag Heuer Connected Modular, but in my experience that has not happened. Instead, I’ll see the watch fall off after about eight hours of use, with the Dial Effects turned and brightness set to auto. For instance, I put the watch on at about 10am and it started to wind down at about 6pm. Another day, I put it on at about 8am and saw it wind down at about 4pm.

One reason for this is because of connectivity problems. I tested the Full Guard with both an iPhone and Android phone, and both times I would see the Full Guard lose connection every so often. I’d try to reconnect, have little success and have to try again. We’ve had some connectivity problems with Fossil Group smartwatches before, like with the Fossil Q Accomplice. All this Bluetooth activity obviously taxes the battery, likely causing battery life drain. On iPhone, there was also an issue connecting to Wi-Fi. These connection fits didn’t happen all the time, or even every day, but they did mostly happen when I walked away from my phone for a while.

Diesel On Full Guard

By Diesel

The Full Guard has a lot of interesting new ideas about how we use our smartwatch. It wants to replicate the feeling of unique analog watch designs; It wants to give you visual information quickly; It wants to put need-to-know information a couple taps away, and your favorite apps a button-press away. These good ideas, however, aren’t executed all that well. That, plus poor battery life, makes the Full Guard feel like it’s still working this smartwatch thing out.


  • Industrial design
  • Unique software ideas
  • Shortcut buttons


  • Heavy
  • Half-baked ideas
  • Poor battery life


For those committed to the Diesel name in search of a smartwatch that isn’t an Apple Watch, there’s enough here to satiate your desires without feeling completely swindled. For anyone without such brand loyalty, the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 is a usable option but not a first-choice.

How we test phones

We test every mobile phone we review thoroughly. We use industry standard tests to compare features properly and we use the phone as our main device over the review period. We’ll always tell you what we find and we never, ever, accept money to review a product.

Used as our main phone for the review period

Reviewed using respected industry benchmarks and real world testing

Always has a SIM card installed

Tested with phone calls, games and popular apps

Design and features

  • Masculine 47mm case
  • 13mm thickness
  • Water-resistant to 50m
  • Heart rate monitor
  • Google Pay contactless payments
  • Built-in GPS
  • 300mAh battery
  • Microphone and speaker

If you’re into Diesel already then you’ll love what you see. It’s inspired by the classic Diesel watch design. Very industrial. 

There are 4 options. You can choose brown leather or silicone strap. The former is a little more expensive but looks awesome with the stainless steel.

Whilst the case is a hulk, this version isn’t as cumbersome as the first iteration. The diameter is the same, it’s 1mm thinner and considering the additional features, it’s actually lighter.

Some features remain. Two twistable personalised buttons. These sandwich the rotating crown which then gives you a way of navigating the menus. Great for those who don’t want to totally rely on the touchscreen alone.

The screen is a bold AMOLED that reads perfectly. It’s been shaved by 0.1mm to 1.39mm.

The best bit about this version is that it’s water-resistant. Similar to the Skagen Falster 2, you’re able to swim in this watch. It’ll track your activities via a third-party app. The silicon strap is certainly better if you’re a swimmer.

Diesel On Full Guard: Features

Perhaps to make up for a lack of fitness features, many of the fashion-focused smartwatches we’ve seen have tried out other interesting ideas in the software — and the Full Guard is no different. To separate itself from the pack, Diesel has been screaming from the rooftops about the software features on the Full Guard. One of those features, an AI called T-ON-I that comes with a companion app, was not ready at the time of the review. When available, T-ON-I will remind you about your step counts and stuff like that.

Right now, though, the big features are all about the watch faces. You’ve got six faces here from Diesel, all inspired in one way or another by analog Diesel watches. Some of them do simple things, like display your battery life and activity (read: step counts) in an easy-to-see manner. Some of them do more unique things. The Infinity watch face, for instance, comes with a really cool 3D effect that makes it look like your watch face is a bottomless pit you can stick your finger into, which I definitely didn’t try to do…

Amazon PA: Diesel On Full Guard

There’s also the Heads Up watch face, which contains a HUD that you can bring up with a double tap near the top of the watch face. The exact spot you have to hit is a bit tricky, and you’ll sometimes spend frustrating seconds continuously tapping to hit it, but when you do it brings up an overlay that gives you a whole bunch of information on your watch. You have battery life, connectivity, activity, weather and time zones.

The final watch face allows you to build your own. Now, all of the watch faces are extremely customizable. You can tweak every color, down to minute parts of the face you didn’t even know existed. This is stuff like watch tracks and plates and index and concave ring. It’s fun to play with and customize, but there are so many options that anyone who isn’t a hardcore watch fan might end up feeling lost and just giving up on it.

However, the build a watch face lets you create your own watch face from scratch. It’s still complicated to do, but seeing your own watch face come together with all those options is a neat thing. You can even save them and sort them by watch face color.

All of the customizations have a unique feature borrowed from Diesel’s analog watches. Basically, the Full Guard lets you apply a filter over the watch face that changes color based on how you move the watch. So if you tilt the watch a little bit, your blue filter will turn red. Or if you tilt it just right, you’ll get a half red/half blue watch filter. It’s a cool effect, mimicking an optical illusion by changing the color using the accelerometer and gyroscope.

Finally, the big gimmick on the Full Guard is something called Dial Effects. There are three of these — weather, activity and Do Not Disturb — and they’re essentially filters that live on top of your watch face. For instance, if it’s raining and thundering you’ll see rain and thunder in the weather effect. Activity will fog up your display with virtual dust unless you get moving on your step goal; the closer you get the more dust goes away. The Do Not Disturb effect only shows up when you have Do Not Disturb mode on, and it looks like your glass is cracking as more notifications come in.

These are neat ideas, but in practice won’t be to everyone’s liking. For example, the dust effect just makes your watch face look ugly until you do your goal. It certainly worked for me, heaping shame onto me until I got moving, but some might just find it annoying. The Do Not Disturb effect is the best one, as you can easily and quickly understand how much you missed while watching a movie or during a meeting.Though for those of you with notification anxiety… this might not be the best one for you.

It’s hard to compare the Full Guard to software features in other smartwatches, like the world clock ideas from the Tambour Horizon or the purely cosmetic grunge setting on the Cory Richards, because there is no real comparison. It’s just too different. It has some interesting ideas in how to play with notifications and how to replicate an analog watch experience in a smartwatch, but it also feels partially baked. This, however, is a good solid base for the nest Diesel On Full Guard, where Diesel can improve upon the good ideas and rid itself of the ones that just don’t fly.


An industrial design that doesn’t apologize

The strength of the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 is, without a doubt, its design. Coming from a fashion brand known for outspoken designs, this watch is big and bulky and doesn’t apologize for its size. The 47mm case is bigger than most other smartwatches out today, but at 13mm thick it’s also not totally unwieldy.

It’s an industrial look with lots of machined details. Personally, I love it, but it’s really not going to be for everyone. This is a watch for traditional watch fans, not those who want a computer on their wrist.

I’ve also got to say, the choices Diesel has made when it comes to color are just top notch. I simply adore the black and red model with the accent color bleeding through from the sides to the buttons. That same design is also available in blue and black variants as well.

There are three buttons along the right side of the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5. The center button is the normal multi-purpose app drawer and back button, and it also rotates for easier navigation. The top and bottom buttons default to Diesel’s watchface effects and Google Fit respectively. All three buttons have a fairly tactile feel to them.

As for the display, there’s a 1.39-inch OLED panel. It’s sharp and bright just like most Fossil Group watches, and touch response is as good as you’d expect. There’s also NFC under the hood for Google Pay.

Silicone bands have strengths and weaknesses

This black/red variant of the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 ships with a 22mm silicone band. It’s much thicker than most silicone bands, but it’s very comfortable and suits the watch’s design well.

My complaint about this band, though, is that it picks up dust incredibly quickly, and it’s not easy to get off. I’m not sure what about this band makes it pick up dust so much easier than others, but it’s pretty annoying. The watch packs 5ATM water and dust resistance, though, so taking a second to wash it off shouldn’t be a problem.

Fitness tracking for the casual user, not the junkie

Let’s be honest, when it comes to fitness tracking, most people just want a general idea of their steps and heart rate. For that purpose, the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 will suit your needs. There’s a heart rate sensor around back that works just fine, and the assorted sensors inside track your steps and workouts with relative accuracy.

Unless you need crazy accuracy, this watch will handle your fitness needs well, and Google Fit is also more than up to the task there. If you want a proper fitness tracker, maybe don’t look into fashion watches, though.

Should I buy the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5?

Like the rest of the latest crop of Fossil Group watches, the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5 is well-stocked with features, ticking all the important boxes that you’d expect from a current-generation smartwatch. But while the image it presents is one of bold confidence, with its distinctive styling and the characterful T-ON-I assistant, there are issues with the execution.

Scratch away the Diesel-branded surface and the underlying hardware just isn’t good enough, especially for the £300+ asking price. The chipset is too dated and laggy, the fitness tracking is inaccurate and the battery life average.

Diesel On Full Guard: Hardware

That story carries over to the hardware of the Full Guard. Having three buttons on an industrial smartwatch seems like a good idea. Of these, the two customizable buttons are king. It makes it that much easier to switch between Dial Effects when you can just click a button and not have to go to the Android Wear 2.0 menu screen at all.

In fact, the three buttons make it easy to get around fast. If Fossil’s long play here is to figure out a way for you to live solely on your watch faces, it’s getting there.

The third button, the rotating crown, is the one that’ll give you the most trouble. It works in theory, the idea of using a crown to navigate is a wonderful one that makes things much easier. However, this crown is stuck between two pieces of metal that impede your ability to twist it — especially if you have bigger fingers. My fingers are pretty slender, but I had trouble turning the dial, I can’t imagine someone with larger fingers having better luck. Further, clicking the crown in feels kind of pudgy. It’s a little like pushing a chocolate chip into peanut butter if, err, you know what feels like.

Speaking of inelegance, swiping between watch faces can sometimes be a bit difficult because the sharp edge of the bezel will catch your finger a few too many times. And you need to start the swipe out by the bezel because if you don’t it might not register your swipe in the first place.

The ideas here are good, but there are just too many quibbles that hurt the experience. This is the story of the Full Guard, same as it was in software, same as it is in hardware.


The fashion-minded will love this Fossil Group production. In development, it had the same treatment as the fourth-generation smartwatches. This translates to contactless payments, a heart rate monitor, built-in GPS and the safety of water-resistance. There are very few reasons to take it off. Which you’re unlikely to, as it carries a design iconic to Diesel fans.

It comes in at just shy of $200 if you’re considering the stainless steel option. Certainly cheaper than the Apple Watch Series 5 or Galaxy from Samsung. Still, it costs more than a Fitbit Versa 3.

The first version of the On Full Guard was clunky. The software was a little underdeveloped. The battery life was poor. The 2.5 sees improvement across the board. 

Let’s take a look:

Diesel On Men’s Gen 4 Full Guard 2.5 HR Heart Rate Silicone Touchscreen Smart Watch, Color:…

Diesel On Full Guard: Design

When it comes to analog watches, Diesel’s style ranges from a more elegant simplicity to an industrial behemoth that looks like a movie prop from Blade Runner. With the Full Guard, the Italian fashion house has settled for something in between.

This is a very industrial design. The stainless steel frame feels like it’s being piled on top of with sharp black buckles and exposed screws. This looks, and feels, like it wants to scream about how tough-yet-beautiful it is.

That’s only amplified by the straps, comfortable-yet-thick bands that have rivets in them — just in case you weren’t sure what look this watch was going for. It is unapologetic about what it wants to look like, and you can either get on board or move along. For the most part, I enjoyed how the watch looked, though I could probably do without said rivets.

It’s also a pretty chunky smartwatch, with a 48mm-wide face and 12mm thick. Compared to other thick watches, like the Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon, you can really feel it on the Diesel this — sometimes it felt like it was going to fall off my wrists.

I’m not exaggerating either. If you have your band even a bit loose, you’re gonna feel that watch face tug at the strap just a little. So keep it fastened tight.

As for the rest, you’ve got IP67 water resistance, a Qualcomm 2100 Snapdragon processor, a 1.4-inch 454 x 454 AMOLED display, 512MB of RAM and 4GB of storage. In our testing, the display was a highlight. It’s bright and colorful and Diesel actually uses it to do cool things, which we’ll get to in a bit.

The Full Guard has three buttons on the right side. There’s a top and bottom button that are customizable, so that you can click them and get shortcuts to your favorite apps (I went with the dial effects and stopwatch myself). There’s also a rotating crown for rotational input that can also be clicked like a button — just like the Michael Kors Access Grayson, a fellow Fossil smartwatch

Overall, while the Full Guard is certainly a good looking watch that you could easily mistake for a giant, industrial piece of jewelry, it is quite chunky. I’ve got bigger wrists and like a larger watch, but the Full Guard sometimes felt too much even for me.

There are other colors as well, including a completely black face with a brown band, as well as options with a black metal band and a gold one.


Вот требования к часам, чтобы они соответствовали нашим критериям для этого списка:

  1. Диаметр корпуса (или хотя бы размер дисплея) 40 мм или менее
  2. Интеллектуальные возможности: По крайней мере, интеллектуальные уведомления
  3. Фитнес-возможности: По крайней мере, пульс и GPS
  4. Модели от известных технологических компаний

Теперь давайте обсудим другие особенности.


Подгонка – это главное. Большие часы на маленьком запястье никогда не будут смотреться хорошо. Простое эмпирическое правило для маленьких запястий – придерживаться размера часов 40 мм или меньше.

В этом диапазоне есть много вариантов традиционных не умных часов, но оказывается, что выбор носимых технологий узок.


Они помогают отслеживать интенсивность, расстояния/время, маршруты и т.д. Помимо отслеживания фитнеса, удобство умных часов заключается в том, что они сопрягаются со смартфоном для получения уведомлений на запястье.

Поэтому пульс, GPS и смарт-уведомления – это минимальные требования.


Последний пункт, возможно, самый важный. Мы говорим о технике. Хотя стиль является безусловным приоритетом, мы хотим, чтобы продукты производились компаниями, которые специализируются на технологиях, а не на моде. Это может показаться догматичным, но мы ориентируемся в первую очередь на качество и удобство использования.

Build quality and features – Familiar hardware that still underwhelms

Like other recent Fossil Group releases, the On Full Guard 2.5 boasts proper water resistance (with swim-tracking), integrated GPS for more accurately tracking your runs, an optical heart-rate monitor and support for Google Pay via NFC.

Being able to quickly scan your wrist at contactless terminals to pay for stuff is one of the coolest smartwatch features out there and one of my favourite use cases for wearables in general. As with many of its lunch sibling, the reliability of the On Full Guard’s NFC isn’t as rock-solid as Apple Pay on the Apple Watch, making it a tougher recommendation for daily use.

As for fitness tracking, while the bevvy of trackable activities found within Google Fit continues to grow, people looking for reliable metrics shouldn’t place their faith in the hardware on offer here. It’s fine for step tracking and the heart rate sensor isn’t that far off other optical wrist-worn trackers, but for those serious about fitness, turn to wearables from devices with pedigree in this area, like Garmin and Fitbit.

Related: Best fitness trackers 2019

The Snapdragon Wear 2100 is the wearable processor of choice for pretty much every Wear OS smartwatch out there. The problem is that it’s an ageing chip (originally released back in early 2016) and on modern smartwatches like the Diesel On Full Guard 2.5, that age is starting to show. As such, the software feels sluggish and sometimes the Diesel would simply lock up, requiring multiple restarts or at the very least, a desire to be left alone for several minutes while it tried to untangle any muddled processing.

Qualcomm has since launched the Snapdragon Wear 3100 but with improvements focussed wholly on power efficiency, there’s still a question as to whether opting for the newer chip would fix the One Full Guard’s buggy performance.

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