Ready, play, go: лучшие vr‑шлемы 2023 года

Очки н-надо? топ лучших vr шлемов и очков 2023

Точность и задержка

С точки зрения точности и задержки, трекинг Reverb G2 выглядит именно так, как и ожидается от трекинга WMR, что, в двух словах, приемлемо, но не супер хорошо.

Хотя позиционное слежение всегда стабильно и быстро реагирует, в слежении за головой есть малозаметная задержка вращения — хотя ее недостаточно, чтобы возникали проблемы с комфортом. Точно так же отслеживание контроллера имеет чуть большую задержку по сравнению с современными гарнитурами. Опять же, не критично, но заметно в динамичных играх.

Что касается точности, то контроллеры G2 справляются со своей задачей, но если вы посмотрите на них внимательно, вы увидите, что они дергаются и дрожат намного сильнее, чем при использовании Oculus Insight или SteamVR Tracking от Valve. Если вам нужна высокая точность, например, для виртуального рисования или моделирования, то это может стать проблемой.

Однако, даже при тестировании двуручного оружия в Onward с 12-кратным оптическим прицелом мы не увидели заметной разницы в качестве прицеливания по удаленным целям с помощью контроллеров G2 по сравнению с контроллерами Index.

It has Speakers, not Headphones

HP also borrowed Valve’s audio technology for its new headset. The Reverb G2 includes a pair of over-the-ear speakers, which produce impressive audio quality and volume while never touching your ears. The over-ear design allows audio to sound like it is coming from the environment around you, giving you a more immersive audio experience.

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

HP’s version of the over-the-ear speakers is not quite as elegant as Valve’s. The housing around re Reverb’s speakers feels like cheap plastic compared to the Index, and the adjustment mechanism isn’t as smooth.

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

It doesn’t feel like the speakers will break, but they don’t have the premium feel that you get from the Index version. The speakers are removable if you prefer using headphones, but we can’t imagine wanting to do that. These speakers sound great, despite their clunky appearance.

(Image credit: Tom’s Hardware)

The Reverb speakers produce clear and loud audio, with ample bass for a nice balanced audio experience.

HP Reverb G2: Recommended PC specs

The boosted resolution of the HP Reverb G2 means it will require some modern PC hardware, but there are two modes — full resolution and half resolution — you can run for the best results. No matter what, for a processor (CPU) HP recommends at least a modern Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5. That’s a Xeon E3-1240 v5 or better for those on the workstation side. To complement, at least 8GB of RAM is recommended.

To run at full resolution, optimal results are going to come from the options available now. However, you can go as low as NVIDIA’s GTX 1080 or AMD’s RX 5700 on the consumer side and NVIDIA’s Quadro P5200 on the workstation side.

As for half resolution, HP says you can run as low as an NVIDIA GTX 1060 or AMD RX 580 on the consumer side and an NVIDIA Quadro P3200 on the workstation side. For this review, the Reverb G2 is connected to a PC with AMD Ryzen 7 5800X CPU, NVIDIA RTX 2070 SUPER GPU, and 16GB of DDR4 RAM. That should be enough to get a high-end experience no matter what.

Our roundups of the and the might have some of the best options in a market where high-end individual PC parts are a hard sell.

Lightweight and balanced


Tracking is a crucial component for creating immersive VR experiences and the Oculus Quest 2 does it a lot better than the HP Reverb G2. Both the Quest 2 and the HP Reverb G2 use four inside-out cameras to give you 6 degrees of freedom motion tracking but there are big differences in the way they are implemented.

The Quest 2’s cameras are positioned along the edges of the headset resulting in a larger tracking volume that allows it to track a user’s hands along a wider area. The Reverb G2 has two cameras positioned in the front and two on the sides, which is an odd design choice that results in a smaller tracking volume.

This means that the Quest 2 is better at keeping track of a wider variety of hand motions than the Reverb G2, for instance, the Reverb G2 will likely lose tracking if you place the controllers close to your chest during a shooter game or keep your hands by your side. 

Another point to note is that most Windows Mixed Reality controllers like the ones that come with the Reverb G2 use visible light tracking meaning they are sensitive to the lighting conditions in your play space. This makes the Reverb G2’s controllers highly inconsistent. If there’s direct sunlight or a direct light source in your room, it will interfere with the controller’s tracking mechanisms. You don’t have to worry about that with the Quest 2 as it uses infrared sensors.

Welcome Physical Tweaks

The Reverb G2 shares a general shape with the original Reverb, but with welcome upgrades in terms of comfort and motion tracking. The all-black headset has a smooth, plastic visor, with two forward-facing cameras on the front panel. They’re joined by a pair of cameras on the sides, which is an upgrade from the original Reverb. That said, it’s not as camera-laden as the six-lensed HTC Vive Cosmos. Like all Windows Mixed Reality headsets, the Reverb G2 relies entirely on these cameras to track its position, and doesn’t use external sensors or beacons like the Valve Index. A slider on the visor’s bottom adjusts pupillary distance (PD). 

The front panel is no longer covered with fabric, but the Reverb G2 still has more overall cloth in its build than the first Reverb. The facemask is generously lined with memory foam covered in soft, smooth, gray cloth, with matching padding across the plastic rear strap. The harness is otherwise similar, using a three-point design with an elastic strap over the top of the head, and Velcro strips for setting a comfortable, snug fit across all three points. The facemask easily pops off, so it should be easy to clean if it gets sweaty (though with its plastic mount it isn’t machine-washable).

Similar Products

A pair of speaker drivers covered in black metal grilles sit mounted on small arms on the headband’s sides, and they pivot down to sit a short distance from your ears. The headset doesn’t have any other audio options, such as a headphone jack or alternate headphones.

Removing the facemask reveals a recessed port above the left lens where the nearly 20-foot cable plugs into the headset. The cable is angled to extend from the headset’s side, and a loop on the back headband keeps it from dangling over the left speaker. The cable runs into a permanently attached plastic box, from which two wires terminating in USB-C and DisplayPort plugs extend. To aid connectivity, the Reverb G2 comes with DisplayPort-to-mini-DisplayPort and USB-C-to-USB-A adapters.

The Reverb G2’s displays are largely unchanged from the original Reverb, which at the time was, and still is, very impressive. The headset shows 2,160 by 2,160 pixels per eye at 90Hz, with its LCDs eclipsing the Valve Index’s 1,440-by-1,660-per-eye LCDs. They even exceed the Oculus Quest 2’s 1,832-by-1,920-per-eye resolution. The HTC Vive Pro 2 still has them beat at 2,448 by 2,448 pixels for each eye, though, and the Index and Vive Pro 2 both beat out the Reverb G2 in smooth motion with 120Hz refresh rates.

The Reverb G2 comes with two motion controllers that act like a combination of the previous Windows Mixed Reality motion controllers and the Oculus Touch controllers. They have simple, black, plastic grips with large, LED-covered rings mounted above the controls to let the headset’s cameras track their positions, just like the original Reverb’s controllers. The touchpads under the thumbs have been replaced with two control buttons and two menu buttons on each controller, and the triggers are placed much more ergonomically, like the Oculus Touches’ triggers. They lack the Valve Index motion controllers’ incredible finger-tracking capabilities, but they’re still much improved over the original Reverb’s.

Final Verdict

Oculus Quest 2 vs HP Reverb G2, these two VR headsets are a lot closer of a comparison than you might think.

The Quest 2 is an amazing device for its cheap price tag. Not requiring a gaming PC to attach to should attract a ton of new VR players too. The audio features, controllers, fit, and IPD adjustment are close enough to the Reverb G2 that there is little difference. The additional game store for Android-based games is another nice feature.

HP’s collaboration with Valve and Microsoft makes HP Reverb G2 a particularly promising gadget despite its comparatively higher price. The display and resolution are the best in the industry and should offer the clearest VR gaming experience possible.

Overall between the Quest 2 vs HP Reverb G2, it’s largely a matter of how much you are willing to spend. And also, how much you are okay with or despise Facebook for merging their account system with Oculus.

What do you think about the Oculus Quest 2 vs HP Reverb G2? Which headset is right for you?

Comment below and let’s know what you think.

Зона покрытия контроллера

Дополнительные камеры расширяют зону охвата слежения и сокращают количество случаев потери контроллера, когда вы разводите руки в стороны или поворачиваете голову в сторону, выставив руки перед собой. К сожалению, есть еще несколько мертвых зон, которые время от времени можно заметить.

В частности, держа руки по бокам и используя контроллеры для наведения виртуальной лазерной указки на меню (как это происходит сегодня во многих сценариях взаимодействия с виртуальной реальностью), мы обнаружили, что контроллер иногда терял отслеживание. Обычно вы можете не замечать эту потерю отслеживания, поскольку контроллер находится вне поля зрения, но если вы держите что-нибудь за пределами поля зрения (например, пистолет, копье или лазерную указку), это становится проблемой.

Конечно, поскольку большинство игровых взаимодействий в виртуальной реальности не предполагают, что вы будете держать руки по бокам, это скорее раздражает, чем приносит реальные игровые проблемы.

Мертвая зона существует и над гарнитурой, но поскольку очень редко приходится выполнять какие-то действия поднимая руки над головой, не глядя на них, —  у нас это не вызвало проблем в десятке или около того игр, с которыми тестировали гарнитуру.

В тех случаях, когда нужно поднести руки близко к лицу (например, при использовании лука или двуручного оружия), попадание или промах зависит от того, как вы держите руки. У нас не было особых проблем с двуручным оружием в Onward, но мы обнаружили, что в некоторых играх с луком, где приходилось отводить руку дальше назад — она иногда терялась при прицеливании.

Feature sharing

Because of Valve’s involvement, a number of features from Valve’s Index made it into the Reverb G2. The first thing brought over with the design is the magnetic facial interface that makes removing the microfiber-covered face cushion quick and easy for cleaning or replacement. After sweaty sessions of Beat Saber, it was nice to just simply pop off the cushion and give it a quick wash before the next use.

(credit: HP).

The next thing you’ll notice are the adjustable off-ear speakers. This system gives you a sense of location with the sounds coming through, and helps immerse you into your gaming. Thanks to Valve’s audio technology, the Reverb G2 includes a great overall audio quality. From the bass to clarity, there’s no reason why you’d ever want to swap out the speakers for a pair of headphones, which you can do if you so choose.

4. Sony PlayStation VR

  • назначение: для консолей
  • разрешение общее/на каждый глаз: 1920×1080 / 960×1080
  • частота обновления: 120 Гц
  • тип матрицы: OLED
  • угол обзора: 100°
  • наушники: в комплекте
  • подключение наушников: mini jack 3.5 мм
  • датчики: акселерометр, гироскоп

В то время как ПК-геймерам сложно ответить на вопрос, какие VR очки выбрать, из-за широкого разнообразия моделей, у тех, кто играет на консолях, нет проблемы выбора. Есть лишь Sony PlayStation VR.

Эта гарнитура имеет 100-градусное поле обзора, а частота обновления экрана 120 Гц сводит к минимуму заикание изображения.

Поскольку игровые консоли в плане графики менее производительны, чем игровые ПК высокого класса, то и разрешение у Sony PlayStation VR намного ниже, чем у конкурирующих моделей. Таким образом, вы можете ожидать некоторого количества пикселизации и шероховатостей в играх с реалистичной графикой, таких как Resident Evil 8.

Плюсы и минусы

гарнитура проста в подключении
красивый дизайн
удобство ношения

при длительном использовании (свыше 40 минут) может начаться тошнота

Round 1: Game / App library

Whether you’re considering one of the best VR headsets for work or (more likely) play, the app store is always a good place to start your research. After all, even the beefiest of specs on the best gaming laptops and best VR-ready laptops won’t do much good if the apps and games you desire reside on another platform.

Sorry, Meta users, this particular apocalypse ain’t for you. (Image credit: Laptop Mag)

As of this writing, there were roughly 5,700 VR-only apps and games available on Steam, and only 1,345 in the Oculus Store. Whereas I could frolic amid famously familiar franchises like Fallout VR and Skyrim VR with the Reverb G2, once I began downloading those massive installation files, I could see where the hefty minimum requirements come into play; Fallout VR alone took up roughly 25GB of storage on my laptop, which always ran hot as…well, nuclear fallout during gameplay. (In contrast, the app for Song in the Smoke — a deceivingly simple caveman simulation game — is only 2GB if you download it directly to the Quest 2, and 8.1GB if you download it separately to your laptop via the Oculus Link app.) 

Winner: HP Reverb G2

From a developer standpoint, VR games and apps made exclusively for the well-out-of-beta Steam platform tend to be more resource-heavy, which explains why so many of them aren’t exactly wireless-friendly. (The Meta Quest 2 headset only has 256GB of onboard memory, after all, which would fill up pretty quickly if apps were 25GB each.) Nevertheless, Steam has been around for roughly two decades, making it more appealing to both early adopters and hardcore gamers alike. 

That being said, VR newbies will be plenty pleased by the myriad apps and games available on the Oculus Store, and for anyone looking to dip their virtual toes into the metaverse, you may appreciate the built-in community features that Meta’s been working on lately — such as their new Horizon Worlds tools.

8. HOMIDO mini

  • назначение: для смартфонов 4.5 – 5.5″
  • угол обзора: 100°
  • совместимость: Android, iOS
  • разъем 3.5 мм: нет

Это маленькое устройство совместимо с маленькими смартфонами. Оно максимально просто в обращении: все что нужно сделать, это включить VR-приложение, прикрепить гарнитуру к смартфону, приложить к глазам и наслаждаться.

Помимо своих небольших размеров гарнитура HOMIDO mini еще и имеет складную конструкцию, так что является чемпионом по компактности среди очков виртуальной реальности.

Плюсы и минусы

простая в эксплуатации
в комплекте есть чехол для хранения

не регулируется межзрачковое расстояние
не подходит для больших смартфонов

Who it isn’t for

  • Anyone who wants high-end controllers and tracking
  • Anyone who wants to go wireless
  • Anyone with aging PC hardware

The Reverb G2’s 2021 refresh coincides nicely with some advancements Microsoft has made to WMR in Windows 11. There’s a new virtual environment that’s much more streamlined than the sprawling Cliff House, plus you can now skip entirely the WMR portal and jump straight into SteamVR. For many people, that’s a welcome change that saves time and annoyance.

Considering HP hasn’t raised the price of the Reverb G2 following this refresh — in fact it’s now $100 cheaper than when I reviewed the G2-V1 — there’s not really a downside. Unless of course you recently purchased a Reverb G2-V1. Seeing the new model drop no doubt hurts. The Reverb G2-V1 is still a great VR system, and those who currently have one likely won’t find it necessary to upgrade to the G2-V2. If you have a G2-V1 and are experiencing connection difficulties related to your AMD system, be sure to try out the new cable for a fix.

The Reverb G2 isn’t the most immersive VR system on the market — that title still belongs to the Index and its accessories — but it does deliver the best visual experience. It’s almost shocking coming from the Oculus Rift S how clear and crisp the picture is in the G2, whether you’re gaming, browsing web pages, or viewing models in a 3D space. It’s just a shame the controllers can’t keep up, even with a redesign.

If you’re searching for PC-based VR and don’t want to shell out big money for the full Index setup, the Reverb G2 is undoubtedly going to be quite attractive. That remains true if you’d rather focus on higher visual fidelity at a lower price compared to the Vive Cosmos.

As it stands at the time of writing, stick with HP if you want to be sure you’re buying the refreshed Reverb G2-V2. Other retailers likely have stock to get rid of, and there’s not really a great way to tell which version you’re getting until you can open the package and check the link box and face gasket.

HP Reverb G2

Bottom line: HP’s refresh of the Reverb G2 improves on what is already a great VR headset. Owners of the G2-V1 likely won’t find reason to upgrade, but for everyone else who’s been holding out, the time to invest might be now.

Review changelog

This article was originally published December 2020. It was updated November 2021 with the following changes:

  • Updated Price, availability, and spec section for changes with the Reverb G2-V2.
  • Added a dedicated section for Recommended PC specs.
  • Updated Hardware section to include new face gasket, cable, and link box for the Reverb G2-V2.
  • Updated VR experience section to include findings on new FOV in the Reverb G2-V2. Also added information about WMR advancements through Windows 11.
  • Updated Controller and tracking section to include findings on improved tracking in Reverb G2-V2.
  • Updated the Competition section with up-to-date prices. Also added information about the Cosmos Elite.

Sits well, sounds good – if it fits

The cooperation between HP and Valve is most evident in the design of HP Reverb G2: The VR headset features a similar head mount, an almost identical face pad, and the Index head speakers that hang elegantly in front of the ear instead of pressing against it.

This makes the VR headset much more comfortable than their predecessor. But it also makes compromises in some areas that will please the simulation target audience, but prevent Reverb G2 from knocking Valve Index off its throne as the most comfortable VR headset for me.

Like G1, Reverb G2 is significantly lighter than Index. As a result, it sits comfortably on the head, even during extended use. The head mount wraps around the back of the head and the entire mount has some clearance, making the VR headset relatively easy to put on and take off.

The HP Reverb G2’s face pad (left) tapers more sharply, so it doesn’t accommodate my face as well as the Valve Index’s (right). Both are easy to remove and comfortable against the skin. | Image: MIXED

Unlike Index, however, G2 is tightened with Velcro strips. Here I like the solution of Index much better, which can be finely adjusted in seconds and with one hand with a knob at the rear.

The lack of a knob does have one advantage, though: The Reverb G2 is particularly well-suited for flight simulators or racing games, since players can lean their head against their chair without any problems and won’t get stuck anywhere when turning.

The six-meter cable also contributes to the user comfort. It is attached to the headset via a clip, and long and flexible enough even for extensive room scale VR adventures.

HP’s Reverb is connected via Displayport and USB-C (or USB-A adapter). Power is supplied via a small breaker box with a power adapter. | Image: MIXED

According to HP, the two head speakers correspond to those of Valve Index. Their sound quality and the high wearing comfort due to the distance to the ear are a big bonus of Index for me.

Although the HP version is supposed to be identical in construction, I had two issues in practice: At certain frequencies, I perceived distortions in the sound that I don’t know from Index. And I could never place the head speakers exactly above my ear. Since they don’t lie on the ear, exact positioning over the ear is especially important for perfect sound. However, I am missing a few millimeters vertically with the HP headset.

The head mount of Reverb G2 is similar to that of Index, but it has a mechanical adjustment. HP has also adopted Valve’s head speakers. However, their mount is a bit shorter. | Image: MIXED

With the changes to the head mount, HP has changed something about the head speaker’s headroom. So, depending on the head size and shape, you may not be able to fully enjoy the otherwise high-quality audio solution.

Another small setback compared to Index is the integrated microphone: When recording, Reverb G2 overdrives slightly and sounds a bit tinny even after adjustments. All in all, however, the recording quality is okay.

HP Reverb G2 — лидер визуальных эффектов

Как и Index, Reverb G2 — это шлем для компьютера без возможности беспроводной работы. Гарнитура получилось спорной, со своими преимуществами и нюансами, но серьезным аргументом является относительно низкая цена. HP Reverb G2 стоит всего $600, что дороже Quest 2 на $300 и дешевле Vave Index на $400.

На момент запуска в 2020 году гарнитура предлагала лучший дисплей на рынке со значительно большим разрешением, чем у конкурентов. В сравнении оно даже лучше, чем у многообещающего Varjo VR-1 за 6000 долларов.

В G2 используются модифицированные контроллеры WMR. Трекинг через встроенные камеры очень плох сбоку и сзади, а также не всегда стабилен в основном радиусе действия.

В прошлом году HP частично решили проблему и выпустили вторую ревизию. Аппаратные изменения коснулись камер – HP увеличили точность отслеживания на 30% за счет устранения слепых зон выше и ниже талии в сравнении с предыдущей моделью.

Трекинг – слабое место HP Reverb G2. Тем не менее, если вы не фанат активных игр, то Reverb G2 прекрасно подойдет для путешествий, симуляторов и других приложений, где от отслеживания мало что зависит.


+ Одно из лучших разрешений на рынке;

+ Отличная эргономика и комфорт;

+ Большой диапазон IPD;

+ Приемлемый ценник;

+ Компактная сборка без базовых станций и лишних проводов.


— Нестабильный трекинг;

— Небольшой угол обзора;

— Невозможно использовать в автономном режиме. Нужен игровой ПК.

В этот год не было выпущено каких-либо инновационных устройств. Производители занимались доработкой существующих моделей. Мы ожидаем, что 2023 год станет ключевым для виртуальной реальности.

Лидером продаж всё еще остается Oculus Quest 2, благодаря низкой цене, даже несмотря на ограничения и блокировки. А какой шлем купили бы вы?


Reviews on the headset are largely positive. A number of glaring mistakes on the original HP Reverb G1 have been fixed or improved on.

Here is a selection of reviews to check out:

  • Road to VR: HP Reverb G2 Impressions
  • The Verge Review
  • ARPost: A Closer Look at the HP Reverb G2

Preferred Review: Eric For President has a brand new review of the HP Reverb G2 to check out:

HP Reverb G2 Review — A BEAUTIFUL Nightmare

Watch this video on YouTube

Here are some other video reviews of the Rift S to check out. Underneath those, we break down each component in the VR headset.

HP REVERB G2 PREVIEW — As Good As We Hope? FOV, Sweetspot, God Rays, Tracking & Controllers TESTED!

Watch this video on YouTube

HP Reverb G2 Hands-On Test and Impressions!

Watch this video on YouTube

HP Reverb G2 — Everything You NEED To Know

Watch this video on YouTube

10. BOBOVR Z5 2018

  • назначение: для смартфонов 4.7 – 6.2″
  • угол обзора: 120°
  • наушники: встроенные
  • совместимость: Android, iOS
  • разъем 3.5 мм: нет

Рейтинг очков виртуальной реальности 2021 года открывает недорогая модель со множеством положительных отзывов на Озоне и Яндекс.Маркете.

Она отличается превосходным углом обзора, не уступающим более дорогим конкурентам, и имеет встроенные наушники. Хотя эти очки лучше всего работают со смартфонами диагональю 6.2 дюйма, в них можно вставить смартфон до 7 дюймов.

Еще одна особенность BOBOVR Z5 – возможность регулировки межзрачкового расстояния: от 60 до 72 мм.

Обратите внимание, что для корректной работы гарнитуры со смартфоном в последнем должны быть датчики гироскопа, компаса и акселерометра. Плюсы и минусы

подходят для современных смартфонов
добротно сделаны
хороший звук во встроенных наушниках

тяжелые, из-за чего могут сползать на переносицу
запотевают стекла
неудобные крепления для головы

Плюсы и минусы

подходят для современных смартфонов
добротно сделаны
хороший звук во встроенных наушниках

тяжелые, из-за чего могут сползать на переносицу
запотевают стекла
неудобные крепления для головы

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