Anbernic rg351p review

Как закачать игры на anbernic

Linux Gaming

However you get it out of the box, the RG351P comes preconfigured with the EmuElec frontend over Linux, which handles browsing any games on the card and running the proper emulator for each one. It’s an attractive and functional interface on its own, but it can occasionally feel sluggish or janky. Game files with long names can get cut off by the interface’s default view, and I experienced strange quirks with the system inconsistently going into and coming out of sleep mode.

Fortunately, there are already two free alternatives you can easily install in place of this version of EmuElec that improve performance and add usability features. They require you sacrificing any ill-included roms the system might come with (and we recommend getting a good, brand-name card to replace the included generic card, for reliability), but it’s worth it for the smoother interfaces and better reliability. 351ELEC is an EmuElec fork designed specifically for the RG351P, while ArkOS is another operating system built on Ubuntu and designed for all RK3326-based gaming handhelds. Either is a good upgrade over the default operating system, and are easy to set up if you’re comfortable using free software to write disc images to memory cards. RetroGameCorps has a very useful, easy-to-follow guide on updating your RG351P’s firmware.

Whether you stay stock or use one of the third-party operating systems, the RG351P is much easier to get comfortably running than the Android-based Retroid Pocket 2. While the Retroid 2 is more powerful that the RG351P, its Android interface means you have to either settle on a very clunky interface designed for a touch screen, or go through the more complicated process of setting up a more friendly frontend like Pegasus. The RG351P is ready out of the box, and swapping around operating systems is a much quicker process. Of course, without built-in Wi-Fi, updating those operating systems is more of a hassle, but in terms of immediate functionality the Anbernic handheld is simply better.

The RG351P’s battery life is a bit better than the Retroid Pocket 2, though. You can get roughly six hours out of the handheld before you have to charge it. Of course, more taxing games will probably drain the battery faster.


ScummVM is capable of playing a large range of retro adventure and role-playing games including popular Sierra, LucasArts and other titles. ScummVM is not an emulator, its actually a complete rewrite of the games executable.

When adding titles to ScummVM depending on console and operating system you will need to find the «Scan Games» option. On Anbernic devices look in the «Tools» section.

Main Menu

Once in a game, to access the main menu press the Start button. You can navigate using the left Joypad and select using the A button. To exit main menu press Y.

Virtual Keyboard

Press select once in a game to access/close the Virtual Keyboard. Joypad to navigate and press A to select.

RG351P Emulator Overview

Continuing our RG351P review, we will go over a number of emulators running on it. Sonic the Hedgehog is a nice fast game to show off the speed of the emulator. As you would expect just about every game works great on the Megadrive/Genesis. You can also load SEGA CD games and play those fine.

Mega Drive / Genesis Emulation

The vast majority of SNES games run great. However games that use additional processing chips such as the SFX chip on Star Fox may have some issues particularly with audio being scratchy where it is not running at 100% speed.

PC Engine has some of the best retro games and the emulation is great. As expected there are no issues with games slowing down. Everything I tried worked great.

Capcom Play System I has a great variety of games and they all run perfectly. I was not expecting any issues and did not find any while trying the games. Capcom Play System II works equally as great as the first. Again, running all the games at very good speed with no noticeable slowdowns. While there are not many games for the CPS III system, they all work just fine with no noticeable slowdowns in busy fighting games.

CPS-III Emulation (Arcade)

Moving up a gear to Gameboy Advance emulation. I tried a variety of games and I did not notice any issues with slowdowns. Gameboy Advance looks great on this screen and feels just like playing the original handheld!

Newer Generation Emulation

A newcomer to the RG series is Nintendo 64 emulation. Overall the Nintendo 64 works pretty well. Depending on the game you are playing you may experience some occasional hiccups while playing. For example on F-Zero it may stutter now and again. It is also worth bearing in mind that some games do show graphics errors which are common in some N64 emulators. But overall, the games run well on the RG351P.

PlayStation Emulation

PlayStation was supported in the RG350 series, although it did only run a handful of games very well. The RG351P definitely improves on PlayStation emulation and has many many more playable games. If you have been holding out to buy a RG series for PlayStation, now is the time.

Dreamcast emulation is another new addition to the RG351P retro handheld. I tried a few games and overall the emulation is OK. You will experience occasional slowdowns during games depending on what you play. With Crazy Taxi 2 for instance, the slowdowns were mainly noticeable with the audio stuttering now and again. Overall, Dreamcast emulation is OK but don’t expect it to be perfect.

Nintendo DS can be tricky with non touchscreen devices. While playing you can press the L2 button to swap between screens and R2 to show both. You can emulate the touchscreen with the Right Analogue stick to move a stylus. Overall DS emulation is not too bad, games are definitely playable but I did find on games like New Super Mario Land to feel a bit sluggish and not 100% responsive.

PlayStation Portable Emulation

PlayStation Portable is another new addition found in the RG351P. Like the Dreamcast, it will definitely depend on the game you are playing whether or not it will be playable or not. Castlevania X overall plays very well but if you play something like Grand Theft Auto then expect to experience high frame skipping making it not enjoyable to play.  A good tip is to change the Rendering Resolution in the PPSSPP settings from 2x to 1 which will help improve the framerate

What Are Cores?

One of the defining features of RetroArch and EmulationStation is the ability to switch between multiple different emulators (also known as “cores”) for the same system.

As an emulator itself is an interpretation of how a retro system runs, different people have come to different conclusions. Nobody quite has the right answer, but the results can vary a fair bit.

For example, the N64 has two cores:

  • Mupen64Plus
  • ParaLLElN64

What you pick is up to you, ultimately.

How To Change Default Cores/Emulators

Cores can be changed in one of two ways – we’ll cover the easiest way, through EmulationStation.

Press the Start Button anywhere within EmulationStation, then select “Games Settings“.

Navigate down to “Per System Advanced Configuration“, then select the emulator you wish to change the core for.

Under the emulator option, press left/right on your directional pad  or analog stick to select the emulator you wish to use.


The R6351P flaunts a 3.5-inch 480-by-320 IPS LCD. Its resolution is a bit lower than some other names in the competition and its 3:2 aspect ratio is more awkward than the more common 4:3 size. This puts black bars for games that are based on the 4:3 aspect ratio.

Regardless, the games still look good on this aspect ratio as the black bars blend into the black frame of the screen. In fact, it is one of the best screens to play Game Boy Advance’s 3:2 games since they fit perfectly into the RG351P’s display. The quality is stunning and pixel perfect for 3:2 games, making it ideal for Game Boy Advance fans.

Individually, the screen is bright and colorful, and easy to view in most lighting conditions.

Design and Build Quality

The handheld’s controls are set up exactly like a PlayStation Gamepad or the Nintendo Switch with joysticks at the bottom and the D-Pad and XYAB at the top. The L and R shoulder buttons are on the top corners as always, but the L2 and R2 buttons are quite small and placed further inward on the top edge, making them slightly harder to reach compared to conventional controllers. Though this does give it a flatter profile, making it more pocketable, especially since the joysticks are shorter and flatter as well.

The headphone jack’s placement at the top makes little sense as you would have to wrap the wire around the handset, which is much less convenient than simply having the port on the bottom.

The buttons themselves are nice to use since they don’t feel plasticky or clicky. It feels like each of the buttons are backed with thick rubber underneath, so you don’t get a click but a soft response instead.

The whole device feels very solid and well-made with a sturdy matte-plastic build and no loose parts. There is also a grip on the back unlike the previous models which keeps the handheld from slipping through your hands.

The joysticks are smooth and responsive, just like the Nintendo Switch’s sticks. This makes the RG351P another good-feeling handheld console that comes close to Nintendo’s standards.

Firmware Options

The RG351mp is a relatively new device, but thankfully it’s able to tap into the existing ecosystem of community firmwares. As of this review, all of the major firmwares have at least a beta version of an RG351mp-compatible firmware image. These custom firmwares all offer an experience that’s similar to the stock EmuElec experience, but has been more refined and optimized for retro handhelds. They all use the same Emulation Station frontend, and rely primarily on RetroArch and its various emulation cores.

351Elec is the more beginner-friendly firmware for the RG351mp. It comes preconfigured with smart defaults for each system. Once you get it installed on your SD card, all you need to do is move your game files over and you’re good to go. The 351Elec team has done a good job of moving some of RetroArch’s more complicated and hidden settings into Emulation Station’s menus.

On the flip side, ArkOS gives players a nice blank slate to customize their experience to their heart’s content. This particular custom firmware comes with a few more Ports preinstalled, and has a reputation for being where more bleeding-edge code is tested. It’s useful for people who really like to squeeze every ounce of performance out of their device. Additionally, The Retro Arena also recently put out a custom firmware for the RG351mp which has a similar philosophy and performance to ArkOS.

We’re happy to announce that 351Droid is also available for the RG351mp. Instead of running Linux, 351Droid introduces the LineageOS Android distribution to the RG351mp. It’s still in its early stages, and you’ll need a USB-C OTG adapter with a mouse and keyboard for some of tasks, but the dev team continues to iterate and improve on this unique firmware offering.

For a full overview of these firmwares, we recommend taking a look at the Retro Game Corps video embedded above.


скорость центрального процессора

4 x 1.5GHz

Скорость центрального процессора показывает сколько циклов обработки в секунду может выполнять процессор, учитывая все его ядра (процессоры). Она рассчитывается путем сложения тактовых частот каждого ядра или, в случае многоядерных процессоров, каждой группы ядер.


Неизвестно. Помогите нам, предложите стоимость.

FLOPS — это измерение вычислительной мощности процессора GPU.

оперативная память


Оперативная память (RAM) — это форма памяти, используемая для хранения рабочих данных и машинного кода, используемого в настоящее время. Это временное виртуальное хранилище с быстрым доступом, которое можно читать и изменять в любом порядке, что обеспечивает быструю обработку данных.

тактовая частота ГП

Неизвестно. Помогите нам, предложите стоимость.

Графический процессор (GPU) имеет более высокую тактовую частоту.

поддерживает трассировку лучей
Anbernic RG351P 64GB

Трассировка лучей — это усовершенствованная техника рендеринга света, которая обеспечивает более реалистичное освещение, тени и отражения в играх.

пропускная способность ввода-вывода

Неизвестно. Помогите нам, предложите стоимость.

Пропускная способность ввода-вывода — это пропускная способность внутренней памяти. Внутренняя память с более высокой скоростью передачи данных сокращает время загрузки.

версии памяти GDDR

Неизвестно. Помогите нам, предложите стоимость.

Более поздние версии памяти GDDR предлагают улучшения, такие как более высокая скорость передачи данных, что повышает производительность.

Anbernic RG351P 64GB

NVMe SSDs используют интерфейс PCIe, который имеет более высокую пропускную способность, чем интерфейс SATA. Это приводит к гораздо более высокой скорости считывания/записи по сравнению с SSDs, использующими интерфейс SATA.

пропускная способность памяти

Неизвестно. Помогите нам, предложите стоимость.

Более высокая пропускная способность памяти означает, что можно быстрее получить доступ к памяти и, следовательно, данные могут быть получены быстрее, этот оказывает положительное влияние на производительность.

Никогда не слышал про консоли Anbernic

Anbernic RG353P

Anbernic — это хорошо зарекомендовавший себя производитель компактных консолей. И речь не только о китайском рынке. Мировое сообщество любителей ретро-гейминга позитивно оценило гаджеты этого бренда. Вокруг каждой модели собралась группа энтузиастов, которая выпускает новые прошивки, делает визуальные моды и даже дорабатывает конструкцию приставок.

Условно модельный ряд Anbernic можно разделить на вертикальные модели (по аналогии с легендарным Game Boy) и горизонтальные в стиле PSP и прочих последователей.

Anbernic RG350M

Большие горизонтальные модели я бы рассматривать не стал. Хоть там и более навороченная начинка с возможностью эмуляции PS2, PSP и всех более старых консолей, за цену таких гаджетов лучше купить оригинальную PSP или PS Vita от Sony. Вторичка сейчас переполнена предложениями, консоли прошиты и полностью готовы для пиратского использования (официальный магазин Sony уже давно не поддерживается).

Так выглядят модели RG353V и RG353VS с аналоговыми стиками

А вот более простые вертикальные модели выглядят очень привлекательно. На выбор трио: RG35XX, RG353V и RG353VS. Две последние консоли легко отличить по паре аналоговых стиков.

Между собой они отличаются операционной системой. В случае с RG353VS это сборка на Linux, а у RG353V – Android 11 и сенсорный экран впридачу.

Гаджет на Android я сразу же отбросил, проще уж взять смартфон, подключить геймпад и накатить нужные эмуляторы. Вторую модель со стиками тоже брать не стал, нужны они лишь для некоторых PS1 и PSP игр. Запускать такие игрушки на 3.5-дюймовом дисплее с неродным соотношением сторон 3:2 не самая лучшая затея. Как уже было сказано выше, лучше для этого купить оригинальную консоль Sony на вторичке.

Как итог — безальтернативный выбор ретрогеймера RG35XX.

RG351P User Interface

As part of this RG351P review, we want to take a closer look at the User Interface. Pressing the A button on a games system brings you to the list of installed games. Pressing Up and Down will scroll through the list, and L2 and R2 will skip a page on the list. Pressing Left and Right will take you to the next games system. Pressing A will start the game and B will take you back to the Main Menu. Navigation is quick and easy with options to search and jump to starting letters. This is very useful if you have a large game collection of retro console games.

Game List Menu

Pressing the Select button will bring up the System menu which allows you to restart the software, reboot or shutdown the device fully. We recommend shutting down this way to prevent possible corruption to the MicroSD Card.

EmuELEC Settings

Pressing the Start button takes you to the Main settings menu. From here you can change a vast number of settings. If you are not familiar with the software I would not recommend changing any important settings. You can however change between themes and if you have a WiFi dongle, you can then set up a wireless connection from here. 

There is an option to Scrape newly added games via WiFi. Scraping will connect to the internet and download information for your games collection. This information includes the game  description, year of release and genre as well as a screenshot of the game. This information is displayed on the game list and varies depending on the theme. While it is not essential to scrape to play any games on retro gaming consoles, it does look very good in the menus.

EmuELEC Settings

There is an option to download and update any future firmware updates if/when they are available. Generally the manufacturers do not release many official firmware updates. I would expect custom firmware to support this in the future. Without WiFi you will be able to update via the MicroSD Card.

From the Quick Menu you can perform functions such as Saving and Loading game states. This allows you to save the game at any time, even if the game did not originally support saving of any kind. Simply Save State and you can Load this state at any time to resume exactly where you have left off.

Out of the box functionality

It hurts me that we even have to make this a subject in our reviews nowadays. Many handhelds straight out of the box need a lot of work, but the RG351P impressed us.

From loading up, the Linux OS is stunning, easy to use, and the handheld itself came with thousands upon thousands of preloaded games.

It had all of my favourite games in it from all consoles; I literally didn’t have to load any of my own, which is the first time this has happened with any handheld I have reviewed.

All they need to do is add a small instruction booklet in English that tells you what buttons to press in order to get to the menus. For me, this was somewhat easy, but that’s only because I review these things every week. But for the average gamer, it would need a quick google search.

This is where the RG351P earns a lot of respect. It’s a great pick up and play handheld with the power to emulate up to PS1 and the odd N64 game.

Твердая оболочка

RG351P примерно того же размера и формы, что и Retroid Pocket 2, размером 2,8 на 6 на 0,7 дюйма (HWD). Он доступен в черном, белом или (как в оригинальном Game Boy Advance) фиолетовом вариантах. Края чуть более закруглены, чем углы Retroid Pocket, а на задней панели КПК есть две прорезиненные ручки.

В центре RG351P доминирует 3,5-дюймовый ЖК-дисплей IPS с разрешением 480 на 320 пикселей. Он имеет половину пикселей 3,5-дюймового экрана 640 на 480 Retroid Pocket 2, но на самом деле это не проблема для игр, для эмуляции которых предназначена система. Соотношение сторон 3: 2 немного неудобно по сравнению с более распространенным соотношением сторон 4: 3, которое поддерживает Retroid Pocket 2 ‘, из-за чего игры 4: 3 выглядят немного невыносимо. Они по-прежнему выглядят неплохо, даже с черными полосами, которые сливаются с черной рамкой экрана. Соотношение сторон на самом деле является преимуществом для игр Game Boy Advance 3: 2, которые идеально масштабируются под экран RG351P. Независимо от разрешения и соотношения сторон экран яркий и красочный, его легко просматривать в большинстве условий освещения.

Элементы управления настроены как Nintendo Switch или геймпад PlayStation, с двумя параллельными аналоговыми джойстиками по обе стороны экрана. Триггеры L1 и R1 легко найти в верхнем левом и правом углах КПК, а кнопки L2 и R2 расположены дальше внутрь на верхнем крае. Это затрудняет доступ к этим кнопкам по сравнению с обычными триггерами, но придает RG351P более плоский профиль, который легче убрать в карман.

Кнопки «Пуск» и «Выбор» расположены между клавишами направления, лицевыми кнопками и экраном. На КПК отсутствует специальная кнопка «Домой», но одновременное нажатие двух аналоговых джойстиков во время игры открывает главное меню RetroArch. Кнопка питания находится на левом краю RG351P и достаточно утоплена, чтобы вы случайно не нажали ее во время игры. На противоположной стороне колесо регулировки громкости обеспечивает быструю настройку звука системы, который выходит через два небольших динамика на нижнем краю. Нижний край также содержит слот для необходимой (и прилагаемой) карты micro SD и утопленную кнопку сброса. На верхней части КПК расположены два порта USB-C OTG, один из которых используется для зарядки, и разъем для наушников 3,5 мм.

Система выглядит очень прочной и хорошо сделанной, как Retroid Pocket 2. Система имеет прочный матово-пластиковый корпус без каких-либо незакрепленных деталей. Панель управления в форме плюса находится над левым джойстиком, а лицевые кнопки A / B / X / Y – над правым джойстиком. Аналоговые джойстики кажутся плавными и отзывчивыми, как джойстики Switch, а навигационная панель и лицевые кнопки кажутся упругими. Это еще один приятный на ощупь КПК, близкий к стандартам Nintendo.

RG351P Emulator Overview

Continuing our RG351P review, we will go over a number of emulators running on it. Sonic the Hedgehog is a nice fast game to show off the speed of the emulator. As you would expect just about every game works great on the Megadrive/Genesis. You can also load SEGA CD games and play those fine.

Mega Drive / Genesis Emulation

The vast majority of SNES games run great. However games that use additional processing chips such as the SFX chip on Star Fox may have some issues particularly with audio being scratchy where it is not running at 100% speed.

PC Engine has some of the best retro games and the emulation is great. As expected there are no issues with games slowing down. Everything I tried worked great.

Capcom Play System I has a great variety of games and they all run perfectly. I was not expecting any issues and did not find any while trying the games. Capcom Play System II works equally as great as the first. Again, running all the games at very good speed with no noticeable slowdowns. While there are not many games for the CPS III system, they all work just fine with no noticeable slowdowns in busy fighting games.

CPS-III Emulation (Arcade)

Moving up a gear to Gameboy Advance emulation. I tried a variety of games and I did not notice any issues with slowdowns. Gameboy Advance looks great on this screen and feels just like playing the original handheld!

Newer Generation Emulation

A newcomer to the RG series is Nintendo 64 emulation. Overall the Nintendo 64 works pretty well. Depending on the game you are playing you may experience some occasional hiccups while playing. For example on F-Zero it may stutter now and again. It is also worth bearing in mind that some games do show graphics errors which are common in some N64 emulators. But overall, the games run well on the RG351P.

PlayStation Emulation

PlayStation was supported in the RG350 series, although it did only run a handful of games very well. The RG351P definitely improves on PlayStation emulation and has many many more playable games. If you have been holding out to buy a RG series for PlayStation, now is the time.

Dreamcast emulation is another new addition to the RG351P retro handheld. I tried a few games and overall the emulation is OK. You will experience occasional slowdowns during games depending on what you play. With Crazy Taxi 2 for instance, the slowdowns were mainly noticeable with the audio stuttering now and again. Overall, Dreamcast emulation is OK but don’t expect it to be perfect.

Nintendo DS can be tricky with non touchscreen devices. While playing you can press the L2 button to swap between screens and R2 to show both. You can emulate the touchscreen with the Right Analogue stick to move a stylus. Overall DS emulation is not too bad, games are definitely playable but I did find on games like New Super Mario Land to feel a bit sluggish and not 100% responsive.

PlayStation Portable Emulation

PlayStation Portable is another new addition found in the RG351P. Like the Dreamcast, it will definitely depend on the game you are playing whether or not it will be playable or not. Castlevania X overall plays very well but if you play something like Grand Theft Auto then expect to experience high frame skipping making it not enjoyable to play.  A good tip is to change the Rendering Resolution in the PPSSPP settings from 2x to 1 which will help improve the framerate

Software and performance

I’ll be blunt, the default software is probably the weak point of this device.  It’s adequate but not that great.  It comes with all the major emulators available but I think the UI is kind of lacking and the performance is just ok.

On top of that, the version I received seemed to be old.  Since I had to update it anyways, I just assume to switch to a well-supported 3rd party firmware.  351Elec was my choice but there’s also support from ArkOS and TheRa.  If you’re interested in updating to any of those, I highly recommend watching this guide:

Whatever firmware you choose, you need to install the ROMs you want.  Either on the SD card containing your firmware or on a separate SD card is fine.  If you have a spare card though, I recommend using a separate card.  This way you’re free to update or change out the firmware as you please without having to worry about copying over your games, saves, and scrape info.

The performance of the device is very good for most emulators.  As you get to N64 and PS1 though, the performance is hit or miss depending on the emulator and firmware you use.  In a sense, you’ll probably gravitate to using the firmware that gives the best support for the emulator that you plan on using most.  I chose 351Elec since they seem to be constantly updating the firmware and have good well-rounded performance.

For the most part, I left my device on standby when not in use.  To use it, just tap the power button and give it a few seconds to resume from standby.  Then choose the game you want and go.  Simple as that.

If you want to save battery life, you can turn the device off after you’re done.  Booting up takes about 20-30 seconds and you’ll save a little battery per day by keeping it off.  I just opted for standby though since it doesn’t take all that much battery.

The only annoying thing about leaving it in standby though is the green power light stays illuminated the entire time.  In fact, the light is always on as long as the device is powered up. That light will change colors based on how much battery is left and whether or not it’s charging.  As far as I know, there’s no way to turn it off besides shutting the device down.

Take all this with a grain of salt.  Almost all of my testing here is with a beta version of custom firmware.  My toleration for bugs on stuff like this is very high and I’m an early adopter, so I don’t expect perfection and neither should you.  All I can say is there’s good enough support out there so far and it’s only going to get better from here.

In other words, if you decide to keep the default software, expect bugs and hit or miss performance.  If you decide to go the custom firmware route, expect bugs but fewer of them.  If you expect a perfect emulating experience with all the PS1 games, you probably will want to try a different device.

Also included on the device is a Wifi module.  You can use this to play head to head with other devices and also connect to the internet for updates and scraping.  I didn’t go crazy with the Wifi testing on this device.  All I can say it worked fine for me in the limited use I gave it.

There’s also a mono speaker on the lower right corner of the front panel.  It’s surprisingly good, providing clear and audible sound.  I still haven’t needed to turn it up all the way.  The headphone jack is good as well and as soon as you plug in your headphones, the sound properly transfers over.

EmuELEC Overview

Continuing our RG351P review. Once booted up into EmuELEC, you are straight into the gaming systems menu. You can change the systems by pressing Left and Right with A to select and B button to cancel.

EmuELEC Menus

The Anbernic RG351P improves on the RG350 series with support for more recent consoles. In total there are 22 retro game consoles and computers supported out of the box. These include popular 8 and 16 bit games consoles. They are: Capcom CPS 1, 2 and 3, Dreamcast, Final Burn (Arcade), GameBoy, Gameboy Colour, GameBoy Advance, Genesis/Mega Drive, Game Gear, MAME (Arcade), MSX, Neo-Geo, Neo-Geo Pocket, NES, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, PC Engine, PlayStation, PlayStation Portable, Super Nintendo and WonderSwan Colour.


Любые TWS-наушники легко сопрягаются с устройствами, работающими на Windows 10. Чем старше оборудование и операционная система, тем больше проблем возникает при подключении из-за отсутствия нужных драйверов. Используя блютуз-адаптер, можно подключить любое Bluetooth-устройство к ПК или ноутбуку. USB-адаптер мощнее модуля, установленного в большинстве лэптопов и бюджетных ноутбуков и может передавать сигнал на большое расстояние.

Если вы хотите поиграть в классические игры, для этого подойдут консоли с эмуляторами. Не так давно появилась Anbernic RG351P. Эта портативная консоль на Linux работает с эмулятором EmuElec/RetroArch, играть можно без какой-либо дополнительной настройки.

Это отличная игровая консоль для ретро-игр.

Портативная игровая консоль

3,5 дюймовый IPS, OCA полное ламинирование, 320×480

RK3326 четырехъядерный 1,5 ГГц

Поддержка карт до 256 ГБ

Linux с открытым исходным кодом


Поддержка нескольких языков

Литий — полимерный 3500 мАч, автономность 8 часов.

1,3 A, максимальная нагрузка 2A, 4 часа до полной зарядки

Онлайн-игры, двойной OTG, два 3D стика, 3,5 мм для наушников

150×10×50 мм, 374 г

На левой стороне RG351P находится клавиша включения, которая не слишком выступает над поверхностью, поэтому случайных нажатий не будет. Справа можно найти колёсико регулировки громкости. Звук выходит через два небольших динамика на нижней стороне устройства. Между ними – слот для карты памяти microSD и клавиша Reset. На верхней стороне корпуса расположены два порта USB-C OTG, один из которых используется для зарядки, имеется и 3,5-мм разъём для наушников.

Anbernic RG351P работает на операционной системе Linux и четырехъядерном процессоре RK3326 с тактовой частотой 1,5 ГГц. Оперативной памяти 1 ГБ, когда внутренней 64 ГБ – вся информация хранится на комплектной карте microSD, хотя поддерживаются карты объёмом до 256 ГБ.

Консоль способна эмулировать игры систем, до пятого поколения. Среди них: NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance, Neo Geo, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Super NES, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Nintendo 64, Sony PlayStation, TurboGrafx-16 и (с разной степенью успешности) PlayStation Portable. У идущей в комплекте карты памяти microSD объём 64 ГБ и изначально настроен интерфейс EmuElec Linux.

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