Обзор наушников sennheiser hd 58x jubilee от massdrop

Как работает шумоподавление?

Если вы никогда не слушали наушники с активным подавлением шумов, то знайте они могут вызывать определенный дискомфорт у небольшого количества людей. Давление на голову и даже дезориентацию. И вот Sennheiser HD 450BT наушники, которые идеально подойдут тем кто не переносит давления и дискомфорт на ушах от активной системы. Шумоподавление тут очень мягкое и вообще не ощущается на голове. Это конечно сказывается на том, сколько наушники отсекают шумов. Они неплохо справляются с низкочастотным шумом и монотонным гулом, но вот средние и высокие частоты давят заметно хуже. И в целом уровень подавления шумов тут заметно ниже чем у флагманских наушников. Вот например, сравнение с Sony 1000XM3, кстати мы не обрабатывали звук, только приподняли его уровень, что все было хорошо слышно.

Заметно, что Sony гораздо эффективнее снижают шум. Sennheiser тоже отсекают большую часть шумов, но все же вы слышите его фоном. Как мы уже отметили у слабого шумоподавление есть свой очевидный плюс. Вы буквально не ощущаете никакого давления. Режим шумоподавления включается очень вкрадчиво и мягко. Настолько, что вы иногда просто этого не замечаете. И кстати, неплохо было бы иметь какой-то звучок оповещающий о том, что режим шумоподавления включен. Но такого сигнала в наушниках не предусмотрено. Наушники лишь говорят вам что они включились или выключились и оповещают о режиме сопряжения. Нет тут и режима прозрачности или Ambient Mode, позволяющего слышать что происходит вокруг вас не снимая наушников. Это фишка встречается в Sennheiser Momentum 3, но они и стоят раза в два дороже. Так что выбирайте, что вам важнее.


Now, I am going to compare the HD 58X to 3 other headphones which are HD 650, Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250ohm and my old HD 598SE. I’ll be making the comparison a bit easier to read by indicating the superior earphone/earbuds with “<” or “>” or “=” (when they’re equal). So here we go!

  • Neutrality: HD598 > DT990 > HD58X > HD650 (I felt the HD 650 tends to gravitate towards darkness, whereas the HD598 were the most neutral and flat sounding in the bunch with the HD 58X somewhere in the middle with its liveliness in its sound signature)
  • Timber/Naturalness: HD 58X > DT990 > HD650 > HD598SE
  • Detail/Resolution: HD58X = HD650 = DT990 > HD598
  • Imaging & Positioning: HD58X = HD650 > DT990 > HD598 (I felt the imaging was slightly better than the DT990 Pro)
  • Soundstage: HD598 > HD650 = HD58X > DT990 (again I felt the DT990 were slightly less wide than the HD 58X)
  • Bass Quantity: HD650 = HD58X > DT990 >> HD598 (some people, after seeing HD 58X’s graph were thinking that these were going to be darker sounding than the HD650, but that’s not the case. They have similar bass with the HD 58X having a bit more sub bass rumble in it)
  • Bass Quality: HD58X = HD650 = DT990 > HD598
  • Mids Quantity: HD58X > DT990 > HD650 > HD598
  • Mids Quality: HD58X = HD650 > DT990 > HD598
  • Treble Quantity: HD58X = HD650 = DT990 > HD598
  • Treble Quality: DT990 > HD58X > HD650 > HD598
  • Amount of Sibilance:HD650 = HD58X = DT990 = HD598
  • Comfort: HD598 >> DT990 > HD58X = HD650
  • Apparent Build / Durability: DT990 > HD58X = HD650 > HD598
  • Immersion/Engagement: HD58X = DT990 = HD650 = HD598
  • Overall Sound Quality: HD58X = HD650 > DT990 > HD598

HD58X Sound Quality

So how do these sound? For starts, I can say that they do not sound like the original HD580. While the HD580 sounded rougher around the edges and trebly, the HD58X’s sound signature is much more refined and a tad calmer on the high end of the spectrum.

Testing is done with the AudioQuest DragonFly Red DAC + JDSLabs Objective2 Amp and the standard 1.8m cable with a 3.5mm TRS jack.


Bass quality is really good and I feel it even gets the upper hand on bass extension to the more expensive HD650, so the HD58X is certainly no slouch and sounds a bit beefier than the 650’s. It’s not the pumpin’ thick bass you get from a high-end closed headphone, but what you do get is a quality enjoyable low end that is great with anything.

And when I say quality, I mean a clean effortless low end that does not muddy up into the midrange whatsoever. Really nice and tight!


Again, these cans keep on surprising me with their clean and beautiful sound signature.

The low end compliments the midrange perfectly providing the HD58X of the necessary oomph, which makes everything so clear, but still deep and strong.


Heading into the highs, the HD58X manages to keep its posture effortlessly. No crazy spikes here or eerie shrieking ‘S’ sounds. Nope, Sennheiser nailed it again as it did with the other frequencies.

Compared to the HD650 which has a more nuanced higher end, the HD58X applies a more lively treble range, but still without losing control.

This being said, if you’re more accustomed to the treble of, let’s say, a Beyerdynamic headphone, you’re probably gonna be a bit disappointed.


Do these have the widest soundstage? No. They’re not in the range of the HD800 or even the HD598. They do however compare with the HD650 in that aspect.

Although not the widest, in fact they sound quite intimate for an open headphone, the placing of the instruments is very realistic. Something that always bothered me a bit with the HD598, which has the tendency to do some weird voodoo on placement sometimes…

Does the HD58X Require Powerful Amping?

While the HD580, just like the HD600 and HD650 uses 300Ohm drivers, the HD58X uses the more efficient 150Ohm drivers just like, but not the same, as the Sennheiser HD660S.

So no need for powerful amping here. Although I do recommend at least a nice portable dac like the Dragonfly Red if you’re serious about getting the maximum out of these cans.


Compared to the HD600 (neutral) and the HD650 (warmer), the HD58X is a more accessible headphone that leans a bit more to the bass side of the sound spectrum. It’s not as fun and in your face as the original HD580, but more of a sweet blend of serious and fun.

You could sit there in your posh handcrafted listening chair enjoying the finest single malt while playing some Miles Davis – Kind Of Blue, while the other day you’re doing some virtual clubbin’ on the tunes of Armin Van Buuren or Martin Garrix. The HD58X handles different situations quite well.

Для кого созданы Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee?

  • Для фанатов Sennheiser. Если вы поклонник звука этого бренда, то модель Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee вам непременно понравится, особенно с учётом выгодной цены около $150.
  • Для тех, кто готов слушать музыку всерьёз. Не поймите меня неправильно, мне нравятся наушники Bose QC35 II или Sony MH-1000X M3, они прекрасно звучат и отлично показывают себя в пути или в самолёте, словом, в тех местах, где нужен не только хороший звук, но и активное шумоподавление. Однако, если вы хотите в спокойной домашней обстановке внимательно послушать любимую музыку, не отвлекаясь ни на что другое, тогда HD 58X Jubilee будут предпочтительнее.
  • Для тех, кто хочет сэкономить. Да, цена в $150 не самая доступная в нашей стране, но, если мы вспомним, что Massdrop Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee технически и фактически являются копией HD 600, которые стоят $300, сомнения и колебания рассеются, как утренний туман.

Final Word

The 58X is a fine entry into the series and a headphone that I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would.

It may not tonally superior to an original HD600, and it’s certainly not tuned as well as a 560S, but none of that really matters much as it could be more enticing to a newbie audiophile (plus, it sounds great and that’s really all that matters at the end of the day).

In other words,

the sound signature may be more appealing and accessible to the average person who knows absolutely nothing about the audiophile hobby and prefers more bass out of their experience.

Then again, it may not.

Back in 2019, a friend of mine fell in love with my HD600 when I let her borrow it and she knew pretty much jack squat about audio.

So in reality, the differences between the 58X and the HD600 may not matter much to you in the grand scheme of things.

Even with all that said, I still think there’s a better option than both the HD600 and 58X.



Because there are no onboard controls and gizmos on the Drop + Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee, these headphones have a very neutral soundstage. This is what makes them ideal for practicing guitar. I plugged these into my Line 6 Helix Floor and could hear the sounds without coloring from the headphones.

The open-back design was great for hearing the jam track being played on another speaker while I practiced it through my Helix Floor. These were also fantastic when I used the Positive Grid Spark Mini to Bluetooth a jam track and listened through the AUX port on that speaker.

The neutral soundstage is perfect for practicing due to being able to hear the sound with only the effects and changes you make through your floor modeler.

I did use these with my iPhone 14 Pro Max, my Google Pixel 7 Pro, and my Sony Xperia 1 III. The sound is, again, fantastic. You will need to use an EQ app or the built-in EQ in your smartphone if you want to tweak any of the frequencies. I do not mind this at all; it allows me to tune the sound to my liking without pre-programmed sound coloring.

One thing of note is that the Drop + Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee are open-back headphones, so you will hear the outside world. These headphones are not for you if you want to shut things out. Overall, the sound is excellent, and I appreciate the neutral soundstage and the ability to tune the sound to my liking.

Cable connections

Качество звучания Massdrop Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee

Почерк очень похож на модель HD 650, но при этом HD 58X стоят почти в два раза меньше, если покупать их в исполнении Massdrop.

Да, учтите, что HD 58X имеют сопротивление 150 Ом, вместо 300 Ом у HD 650. Это делает их более простыми для прослушивания в паре с мобильными устройствами, хотя, конечно, обычный смартфон не сможет раскрыть их на 100%.

Низкие частоты имеют небольшой акцент, он почти идеален: не слишком сильный, чтобы аудиофилы на это жаловались, и не слишком слабый, чтобы не понравится обычному слушателю. Словом, бас у наушников идеален – он глубокий, быстрый, чёткий, детальный и слегка акцентирован.

Благодаря подобной калибровке наушники подойдут как для прослушивания музыки, так и для компьютерных игр и фильмов, звук не будет казаться бедным или излишне детализированным, всё будет в самый раз – золотая середина.

Вокал, как мужской, так и женский, звучит приятно, естественно, без искажений или окраса. Акустические инструменты имеют выраженную текстуру, характер и глубину проработки, хоть и чуть более простую, чем у HD 650.

Высокие частоты чистые, без сибилянтов, без дребезга и визга – такие, какими они должны быть у хороших наушников. Их воздушное звучание подчёркивает открытая акустическая конструкция, благодаря которой они звучат мягко, но уверенно. Хорошо слышны переливы и затухания от ударов по тарелкам, без излишней резкости, с хорошей проработкой деталей.

Резюмирую скажу, что для наушников за $150 модель Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee звучит отлично, обгоняя подавляющее большинство конкурентов не только в этой ценовой категории, но и более дорогих соперников.


At the base price of $150-160, there’s very little out there
that’ll provide you a coherent headphone like this one. It has a slightly
different tuning than it’s partner HD6XX/HD650 and the HD600, and fits right in
line with those two in terms of mids-supremacy. The HD650 may be the most
coherent of the bunch, while the HD600 has the most energy, and the HD58X is
where you go for a more fun sound.

At this range, I also recommend the HE400i and HE4XX from
Hifiman, as those have to be one of the best planar magnetic deals out there.
The HE560 and Sundara is a marked improvement but does cost double the price.
With the Hifiman, you’ll get better bass extension and improve details and
speed. The general tonality may not be as coherent and relaxing as the
Sennheisers, but they are enjoyable for their attack and retrieval of distinct

At the end of the day, I do recommend the HD58X. It’s a
stellar value for this price range and while it’s not my general cup of tea, I
do find myself gravitating to them every once in a while when I want to just
listen to music while doing other things since they are lightweight and laid

Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee: comfort and fit

Portability is 50/50. Let me start with the positives. The velor cushions will make you feel like grandma’s favorite couch pillows are resting on either side of your head. They are so comfortable and their soft touch exterior feels great on the skin. I also like that Sennheiser made the cutouts bigger so the ears get more ventilation, which is much needed as the material heats up after hours of use.

(Image credit: Alex Bracetti/Future)

The extenders have 12 settings to accommodate listeners with different sized ears and establish good stability. These headphones have some flexibility, but high clamping force, causing pain after about an hour of use. Another thing to keep in mind is the stiff headband. I recommend keeping the 3 settings of the helmet above the surface of the head as the padding applies unwanted pressure.

Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee review: Noise Isolation

An open-ear design makes it tough to hear music in active environments. Working in the living room, I could hear conversations, fax machines, loud iPhone ringers, and my wife playing the piano for our toddler. I thought raising the volume to max level would help subdue these noises, but high-frequency sounds (baby cries, whistles) still entered the soundscape. Not to mention the headphones leaked sound very loudly. The missus could hear me blasting music from the front room when hanging in the playpen with our little boy.

(Image credit: Alex Bracetti/Future)

I had to test the headphones in the bedroom or wait till nighttime when everyone was asleep to get full, distraction-free sound.

HD58X Design and Build Quality

Being a tribute to the HD580 it is only normal that the HD58X looks practically the same. Sennheiser clearly used the same mold here, and the only differences to be found are cosmetically and a different kind of grills.

The HD58X sports a black paintjob which for most of the part is glossy. The earcups are matte, as is the lower part of the frame that holds the earcups. The speakergrills are grey and as a whole it gives the HD58X a clean minimalistic look.

On top of the headband there’s the Sennheiser logo and name. Speaking of branding, both left and right sides are labeled “HD58X Jubilee” and on the inside of the size adjuster you’ll find the serial number and the Massdrop branding.

The padding on the headband comes straight from the HD650 and its successor, HD660S. In fact, the HD58X looks suspiciously close to the HD660S and from a distance, they could be mistaken as twins.

Although it’s primarily made out of plastic with only the speakergrills and the size adjuster being made out of metal, I can’t say anything bad about the build quality. This design has proven itself since 1991 and Sennheiser still applies this to its premium audiophile headphones.

I know it’s not using the finest earth materials but this is not that kind of headphone. You don’t appreciate it because of its looks, nor will you impress your friends with it.

These are made to last and therefore you can literary drop these cans on the floor, without the fear of them disintegrating into pieces. You don’t have to baby them, although I’m the kinda guy who does exactly that.

Anyway, my point is that these are rugged and can withstand the typical abuse that could happen in a professional studio or if you’re the type of person who easily breaks things, unintentionally of course…

Bass Fidelity

In the way of raw fidelity, the HD6xx scales so much with superior gear that it makes it the better overall value for audiophiles. The HD58x is the better value for casual listeners who don’t have an expensive rig.

This becomes extremely apparent on my Heron 5 Solid State from Airist Audio and when I compare these two headphones directly. The Heron 5 is warm and perfectly meshes with the HD6xx. Both are softer than usual on kick factor, they are a bit boosted and thick feeling in tone presentation and both have a nice sparkle to the treble.

The Heron 5 is also wider than tall and not extremely forward. So, when referencing the HD58x with this amplifier, the experience feels wildly different in a physical sense. However, again, the HD6xx is the scaling champion in the mid-tier world. If you have a very nice middle tier or lower end or Summit level amplifier and DAC already, then the HD6xx churns itself into a more clean and clear feeling experience. But you NEED that for the HD6xx.

On lower end gear, the gap between quality overall in bass between these two is not significant at all and sometimes feels too close to call which is objectively cleaner. The HD58x Jubilee has very low to end of moderate levels of bass quantity and doesn’t respond very well to bass boosting. If you are a basshead, grab a set of JVC SZ2000’s, haha!


  • Amps Used: xDuoo TA-20
  • Amp/DACS Used: AudioQuest DragonFly Red, iFi Zen, FiiO K3, FiiO BTR3K, FiiO K5 Pro, Burson Audio Playmate 2.
  • Source(s): Spotify Premium, Soundcloud, YouTube, General Listening (Podcasts, Baseball game recaps, etc.)
  • Playlist: Here! Keep in mind total hours will always exceed what you see on Spotify as I don’t add every single song I listen to.

What’s interesting about this headphone is that you can’t really tell it’s flawed until you put it up against a perfectly tuned headphone like Sennheiser’s HD560S.

The catch is that these same flaws actually work in the headphones’ favor (for the most part).

In other words,

the 560S is almost too correct if that makes sense (read: it can sound kind of dull), while the HD58X adds some coloration to the mix (more on that in a bit).

I’ve had this discussion with quite a number of people and most seem to agree that even despite the 560S’ almost perfect sound signature, there’s something missing.

This has always been apparent in 500-line headphones dating back to the earliest iteration, and the 560S, though a subtle upgrade from its older brothers, still mostly sounds exactly as you would expect; a bit dull, a bit boring, a bit.. meh.

The 58X takes that kind of drab sentiment and kicks it up a notch.

Ergonomics and Fit

Well, compared to the HD 598SE, these are a bit less comfortable. I mean, as a reference, the HD 598SE feels like a soft woolly muffler wrapped around your ears and these feel like 2 cups strapped to your head. Also, when you are using these headphones for the first time, you might experience pain on your temple like I did. This is because, the headphones have a tight fit around your ears. But after a few weeks, as you continue to use the headphones, the headband will loosen up a bit and it will feel more comfortable on your ears.

Also, due to this tight fit, the headphones won’t come of your heads like the HD 598SE does! So, you won’t have any type of fit issues like you had with the HD 598SE (where if you even sneezed, the headphones would’ve come flying off of your head!).

Открытые наушники в современном виде

Во внешнем облике этих наушников компания Sennheiser изменила только цвет — теперь он черный, а не серый. Благодаря своей окраске HD 660 S выглядят современно и элегантно. Больше никаких визуальных отличий от предыдущей модели у них нет. Наушники по-прежнему выполнены из крепкого пластика с металлической решетчатой крышкой за драйверами.

Конструкция здесь открытая, поэтому, как в случае и с другими подобными моделями, с HD 660 S вы можете наслаждаться музыкой только в спокойной обстановке. Все разговоры и окружающий шум будут слышны, да и ваша музыка будет мешать тем, кто находится рядом.

На этот раз импеданс наушников составляет 150 вместо 300 Ом: мобильным устройствам будет гораздо легче работать с HD 660 S, чем с HD 650. Однако, чувствительность увеличилась совсем немного. Во время испытаний нам пришлось «выкрутить на полную» Galaxy S7, чтобы достичь приятного уровня громкости. У LG V30 резервов оказалось гораздо больше, здесь достаточно было использовать лишь 40% максимальной громкости. К сожалению, смартфоны не идеально подходят на роль усилителей.

В комплект поставки HD 660 S входит трехметровый кабель и адаптер для подключения 6,3-мм штекера к 3,5-мм аудиоразъему


Sadly, the HD58x lacks a good sense of width and feels rather closed in. The HD6xx is wider by a significant margin, but the HD58x has better depth of field and realism in stage forwardness. Airiness is also less than stellar but again, for this new $149.99 price? Oh goodness, it changes a lot in value because the original version cost a lot more than this, and this is just a step behind the HD660s, in my opinion.

With the HD580x, you get a sense of height that is noticeably more prominent than the width factor, which hurts separation of instruments and makes it more of a vocalist’s ideal headphone and not one suited for wide sounding recordings.

The HD series was never really known for exceptional staging outside of the HD800. The HD650/600/580 were just good at imaging overall, depending on your needs and desires, purchase accordingly. The HD58x is good for some tracks, the HD6xx is good for the rest.


A 300 Ohm Impedance may sound like a lot, but their Sensitivity is also pretty high meaning they’re efficient and don’t need much power from an amp to reach acceptable listening levels. Related: How to Choose a Headphone Amp

In other words, don’t go too crazy. The HD600 line pairs well with many different types of amps and will sound fantastic regardless. I wouldn’t purchase a FiiO K3 unless you strictly plan to use them balanced, but it can work in a pinch. I’d just rather have more power.

Something like an E10K is perfectly fine, but I’d still go with one of hte above options because you’ll likely just upgrade later anyways.

Circling back to my original point that I’d probably invest in a 6XX if I had to do it all over again, here are some reasons why:

Comparisons Table: Sennheiser HD58X vs HD6XX

HD 58X Jubilee HD6XX
Collaboration Sennheiser x Massdrop Sennheiser x Massdrop
Transducer Principle Open and dynamic Open and dynamic
Normal Impedance 150 ohms 300 ohms
Ear Coupling Over the Ear (circumaural) Over the Ear
Frequency Response 12 Hz — 38.5kHz (± 10 dB) 10 Hz — 41 kHz
THD + N Less than 0.1% at 1 kHz, 100 dB Less than 0.05% at 1 kHz
Weight without Cable 9.2 oz (260 g) 9.2 oz (260 g)
Connector ⅛ inch (3.5 mm) gold — plated stereo jack plug ⅛ inch (3.5 mm)
Cable Length 6 ft (1.8 m) OFC and detachable 6 ft (1.8 m)
Sound pressure level or Sensitivity 104 dB at 1V, 1 kHz 104 dB
Included adapter ¼ inch (6.35 mm) ⅛ -¼ inch (3.5 mm — 6.5 mm)
Warranty Period 2 years Manufacturers warranty 2 years Manufacturers warranty
Serialization Individual Individual
Country of Production Made in Romania Made in Romania
Color Glossy black headband, grey metal grilles Midnight blue
Price Check Price on Amazon Check Price on Amazon

Нижняя граница

Sennheiser HD 6XX, 650, 600, 58x Jubilee: что выбрать?

Sennheiser HD650, HD 600, HD 58X и HD 6XX — феноменальные наушники. Решающим фактором здесь будет ваш бюджет и предпочтительный музыкальный жанр. Вы не пожалеете, если выберете один из них, так как они оба являются надежными вариантами на рынке высококачественных наушников. Прочные материалы и отличное качество звука делают их лучшими из всех, что вы можете получить.

HD 600 и HD 650 практически идентичны по всем параметрам, за исключением нескольких ключевых отличий, которые отличают одно от другого. HD 600 звучит более нейтрально и не накладывает на звук никаких цифровых эффектов, в то время как HD 650 добавляет яркости и басов. Если вам нравится слушать песни с более сильным акцентом на басах, то HD 650 сможет удовлетворить ваш вкус. Для тех, кто хочет более сбалансированного звучания, вам подойдет HD 600.

Если вы ищете наушники Sennheiser с лучшим соотношением цены и качества, вам больше подойдут HD 6XX и HD 58X. Основанные на дизайне легендарных Sennheiser HD 650 и HD 580 Jubilee, наушники HD 6XX и HD 58X стоят вдвое дешевле, но обеспечивают невероятно схожую производительность. Это отличные наушники, несущие в себе всю славу Sennheiser, не обесценивающие качество и не вызывающие недовольства у пользователей.

Разница между HD 58X и HD 6XX заключается в 150-омном драйвере HD58XX. В отличие от HD 6XX, для работы не требует дополнительного усиления. Кроме того, качество звука в этих двух наушниках различается. HD 58X больше к лицу, с резким, четким, шумным и прозрачным звуком, в то время как HD 6XX удобнее и спокойнее.


Wires are good

The Drop + Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee is about as simple as you can get in terms of headphone design. The build quality is excellent for this price range. The materials used are a combination of metals, plastics, and fabric. All materials look extremely nice and do not appear to be sub-standard.

The headband is metal, and the headband padding is made of foam. The arms holding the ear cups are made of plastic and seem sturdy. They pivot to help with comfort when wearing them. There is various branding from Sennheiser and Drop on the headband and arms, but it is tastefully done.

The open-back material is a mesh metal that is gun metal in color, giving a nice contrast to the rest of the black color of the headphones. The left and right ear cups are marked at the top of each arm, but the markings are painted over in black. It would have been nice to have these stand out a bit more.

The ear cups are also made of foam covered by a soft material that is super comfortable on the ears. I can see that some people’s ears may get hot after wearing these for a long time, it wasn’t the case for me, but the material feels like it could have that effect on some.

The clamping power of The Drop + Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee is above average. These feel tighter than others I’ve used, but they are not horribly bad. They are very comfortable, but if you’re sensitive to a more robust clamp, you may want to avoid these. However, they may loosen up over time.

The included cable plugs into the bottom of each ear cup, and the cables are marked left and right, so be sure to insert them into the proper cup. The cable is pretty long, but it could have been a little longer, at least for use with a floor unit like the Line 6 Helix Floor.

Overall, the Drop + Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee is not a complex design, which is part of its appeal to me. There are no buttons or touchpads to deal with; plug them in, wear them and use the controls on the device for everything else.

Comfy ear pads

Bass Fidelity

In the way of raw fidelity, the HD6xx scales so much with superior gear that it makes it the better overall value for audiophiles. The HD58x is the better value for casual listeners who don’t have an expensive rig.

This becomes extremely apparent on my Heron 5 Solid State from Airist Audio and when I compare these two headphones directly. The Heron 5 is warm and perfectly meshes with the HD6xx. Both are softer than usual on kick factor, they are a bit boosted and thick feeling in tone presentation and both have a nice sparkle to the treble.

The Heron 5 is also wider than tall and not extremely forward. So, when referencing the HD58x with this amplifier, the experience feels wildly different in a physical sense. However, again, the HD6xx is the scaling champion in the mid-tier world. If you have a very nice middle tier or lower end or Summit level amplifier and DAC already, then the HD6xx churns itself into a more clean and clear feeling experience. But you NEED that for the HD6xx.

On lower end gear, the gap between quality overall in bass between these two is not significant at all and sometimes feels too close to call which is objectively cleaner. The HD58x Jubilee has very low to end of moderate levels of bass quantity and doesn’t respond very well to bass boosting. If you are a basshead, grab a set of JVC SZ2000’s, haha!

Why would you get the HD 58X, and why is it unique?

HD 58X is an amazing set of headphones. They sound great, they look professional, and most importantly, they are consistent in performance. Sure enough, it is not the best headphone for gaming but when it comes to music, professional audio production, and other business purposes, you will not be disappointed.

You can get these in a number of finishes, so the options are open to interpretation. The open-back design is not the best since sound can be heard from the outside but, the heavy cushioning adds to the noise cancelation, and also these are best for a quiet comfortable place where you will not be bothered.

Last but not least, the best part about the Sennheiser HD 58X is that the parts are replaceable. This headphone can be disassembled to its component parts by hand and all of the parts are replaceable. So, one headphone can last you a lifetime without replacing it, and if you need to, just change the part you want and you are good to go.

Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee review: Design and comfort

Aesthetically, the HD 58X Jubilee carries the appeal and looks of Sennheiser’s other audiophile headphones. Everything from the colorway to the open-back design allowing for more sound wave expansion (more on that later) looks like the listeners. The velor ear cushions, split headband padding and large signature grilles also remain intact.

(Image credit: Alex Bracetti/Future)

If only the build quality was up to par. The build is flimsy, raising concerns about the durability of the helmet if dropped from a great distance or sitting at the wrong angle. The chances of survival are favorable, but the plastic frame is fragile and takes a lot of damage.

What you need to pay the most attention to are the grids. Don’t leave anything with substantial weight on the material or press your thumb firmly against it or you risk creating a massive dent. This is exactly what happened to my pair. My right earpiece looks dismal.

(Image credit: Alex Bracetti/Future)

For distinction, Massdrop has placed its mark on the inner part of the aluminum extension. There is also the name of the shield above each earpiece covered in silver with black text.

Our Verdict

The HD58x Jubilee is one of the best ‘price to performance’ headphones in the HiFi world to date. For $149.99, you cannot go wrong. It is forward in the mids and has a good bass response. It is well into the neutral tier in tonality and at 150 ohms you can still drive it well on solid portable music players without the need for an amplifier.

It hardly, if at all, scales up with expensive gear so this is the best stepping stone open back and over-ear headphone on the market at the moment. If you want someone you care about to get into better audio, this is what you should be gifting them.

Massdrop continues to re-release great sets that we all in this hobby know to be excellent products. The HD58x Jubilee is probably the best overall open back option in this price bracket, no doubt about it.


I feel the HD58x and the HD660s are blood brothers that share almost the same sound traits overall. There is a trick of the ear happening though, at least, in my opinion.

I feel like the HD58x houses a smidgen more bass quantity than the HD6xx/HD650. However, the HD6xx/650 have a thicker appeal in tonality, which makes them sound heftier, more weighted. And for that reason, I think sometimes my ear is tricked into thinking there is more quantity occurring than in the HD58x.

The HD58x is more pure feeling, but thinner and harsher on physical strike impact level. The HD65x is wooly and much, much softer in dynamic kick and impact. It is far easier to listen to for extended periods of time than the HD58x.

Noise Isolation

Now, even though these are open-back headphones, they don’t leak as much as the HD 598SE does, but still at full volume, people on a crowded bus will easily tell which song is being played.

Also, if you are looking for sound isolation, then look elsewhere because they let in outside noise due to those open grilles on both sides of the headphones to make you feel the sound is coming from the whole environment and not just from the headphones themselves. These are strictly for indoor usage.

The velour ear pads have a nice feel to them and they are detachable
The headband cushioning looks just like the one used in HD 650/6XX and is on the stiffer side

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